Challenge #31 // ...and now for something completely different

Apr 08, 2011 15:29

Title: ...and now for something completely different.
Rating/Warnings: G; cracky
Characters/Pairing: Narcissa Black-Malfoy, Bellatrix Black-Lestrange, Severus Snape
Summary: Narcissa is called to come to Hogwarts due to an emergency.
Challenge: #31 ...and now for something completely different
Word Count: 311
Registered purchases?: yup, both can be found here.

They’d been running through Hogwarts’ corridors for almost twenty minutes now, and she still did not know what Snape wanted to show her. What had made him sound so agitated, nearly scared. “Severus!“ Narcissa gasped, desperately trying to keep pace with him. She was not used to running, a lady never ran... But this time she had to. “Severus, for Merlin’s sake, what is it? What’s the emergency?“
Finally he stopped, in the middle of a huge corridor near the entrance to the Hufflepuff’s common room. “I do not have the faintest idea yet what potion she took,“ he said, his breath completely calm, as he had just gotten up from his armchair to get something to drink. “But as soon as I find out, I promise you that she’ll be herself again in less than an hour.“
Narcissa frowned. What, by Merlin, was that man talking about? “Severus... Are you sure you’re feeling well?“ she asked.
“I am feeling well indeed,“ he replied. “But Bellatrix...“ He pointed on a black haired woman, standing at the end of the corridor, happily smiling at the children passing her way. Narcissa’s eyes opened, widely. This had to be a joke... They were just trying to fool her, this could not be real... Unable to move she stared at her sister, brightly talking to the students, wishing them a good day and good luck for their exams. Wait... did she even give them sweets?
“Bellatrix, you have a visitor!“ Severus shouted, and the woman turned around, smiling. “Cissy! What a lovely surprise to see you here!“
“Is everything alright with her, Severus?“ Bellatrix asked, sounding slightly worried. “I thought she knew that I was going to be the new head of Hufflepuff house!“
“I... I think I need to sit down...“ Narcissa whispered, sinking in Severus’ arms only a second later. Bellatrix laughed.

311/30 = 10,4 = 10+10 = 20 points for Hufflepuff!

character: narcissa malfoy, character: severus snape, author: flyingharmony, character: bellatrix lestrange, rating: g

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