2 fics, Challenge #74 + #73

Mar 26, 2011 10:15

Challenge #74: Don’t Speak
Title: Follow
Rating/Warnings: PG. M/M relationship
Characters/Pairing: Harry/Draco
Summary: Draco follows Harry.
Word Count: 323
Author's Notes:
Registered purchases?: Quill Only

Draco Malfoy glared at harry Potter from across the Great Hall. harry was watching him in amusement and Draco couldn’t figure out why. They sat this way for quite some time; Harry watching Draco with a smile and Draco glaring at harry with a sneer.

Eventually Harry stood up and, with one final smile at Draco, turned and left the large room. Draco waited half a beat and then followed the brunet. He had to know what the other man thought was so amusing. Draco followed Harry through the entry way and out the large oak front doors.

It was a beautiful spring day outside, but Draco didn’t notice as he continued to follow Harry. They made their way across the grounds. Harry finally stopped under a tree near the Great Lake. Draco approached the brunet and stopped a couple of feet in front of him. Harry still had that stupid smile on his face. Draco opened his mouth to speak but harry shook his head.

Draco furrowed his eyebrows; why didn’t Harry want him to speak? Draco watched in mild alarm as Harry took a few steps forward. Soon he was standing barely inches from Draco, but the blond refused to move. Draco waited, expecting Harry to speak.

Minutes ticked by as harry said nothing. Again Draco opened his mouth to talk and again Harry shook his head. This time however the Gryffindor brought his hands up to cup either side of Draco’s face. Draco had no idea what the other man was doing but it didn’t take long to figure that out.

A moment later Harry leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on Draco’s lips. It lasted barely five seconds before the brunet was moving back slowly. Draco followed his movement and brought a hand up to lace into the back of Harry’s hair, crashing their mouths back together in a heated kiss.

Challenge #73: Dear Diary
Title: Diary
Rating/Warnings: G. M/M relationship
Characters/Pairing: Albus Severus/Scorpius
Summary: Scorpius writes in his diary.
Word Count: 315
Author's Notes: Set in their 6th year at Hogwarts
Registered purchases?: Quill Only

September 15

I really need to come up with a different name to call you. ‘Diary’ is just way too girlie for a Malfoy, even one that’s gay like me. I can just hear what Father would say if he saw me keeping you. He’d say “Scorpius, a Malfoy does not write in a diary.” Oh well.

You remember me telling you about Albus Potter? What am I saying? You can’t remember anything; you’re an inanimate object. Sometimes I wonder about my sanity. Anyways, Albus sat next to me in Transfiguration again today. I’m not entirely sure what made him switch seats with Mira Zabini, but I’m not going to complain. Mira did, but I just told her to shut up.

Oh Diary, he’s so handsome. Why is it that all the cute boys are straight? Albus has had a string of girlfriends so there’s no point in me falling for him...but I’m not sure that I can stop myself. The more he talks to me the more I like him.

September 22

Albus Potter is driving me insane! He’s now sitting next to me in all of our shared classes. And he spends all class flirting with me. Flirting! With me! He’s straight and he’s hitting on me! Argh! He’s so frustrating.

But I guess I’d rather have him flirting with me than ignoring me. Maybe tomorrow I’ll make a move, just to see what he does. It’d be fun to watch him squirm for a change.

September 25

I made a move today after class, and guess what? It worked! Turns out Albus is bisexual and wanted me. So I started flirting back today and before I knew it we were snogging. It was great! I’ve got to learn to trust my instincts better, huh?

323/30 = 10.7
11+5 bonus = 16
315/30 = 10.5 (10 reaches my 125 for week!)
10+5 bonus = 15
16+15 = 31

31 Points for Hufflepuff!

Hanson Phreek // Hufflepuff

character: scorpius malfoy, character: harry potter, pairing: harry/draco, rating: pg, *challenge-073, era: next gen, character: albus severus, rating: g, author: hanson_phreek, character: draco malfoy, *challenge-074

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