2 fics, Challenge #84 + #90

Mar 26, 2011 10:09

Challenge #84: Holiday Traditions
Title: It’s Tradition
Rating/Warnings: PG. M/M relationship
Characters/Pairing: Albus Severus/Scorpius
Summary: Albus needs to adhere to a Malfoy tradition.
Word Count: 359
Author's Notes:
Registered purchases?: Quill Only

“It’s tradition,” Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy said, smiling slightly. “My parents have been looking forward to this day for years.”

“But I don’t want to,” ALbus Severus Potter whined.

“You have to. When you proposed last month I told you about this.” Scorpius looked him right in the eye. “And you agreed.”

“Yeah, but that was then.”

“We haven’t told anyone about the engagement Al, just for this. You have to!” Scorpius gave him his best puppy dog eyes. “Please?”

Albus frowned. “Fine.”

Scorpius’s grin grew tenfold. “Thank you.”


Albus was a bundle of nerves. And he couldn’t figure out why. He knew the outcome of what he was about to do and it was good. It was just that he didn’t really like talking in front of groups of people, however same and friendly they might be. It was Christmas Eve and his family and Scorpius’s family were all gathered around the large Christmas tree at Malfoy Manor. Albus’s parents were chatting happily with Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy. His brother and sister were playing a game of exploding snap in the corner. Scorpius was sitting next to him on the couch in front of the fireplace, holding his hand.

Scorpius leaned closer to him and whispered, “It’s time.”

Albus took a deep breath and stood up, pulling his boyfriend (unofficial fiance) with him. He moved to stand in front of the Christmas tree and said, “Everyone, can I have your attention?” Everyone looked over at the brunet expectantly and he swallowed nervously. Albus looked at Scorpius, who smiled encouragingly. Albus smiled back weakly and kneeled down on one knee. He looked up into the other man’s gray-blue eyes and spoke. “Scorpius Malfoy, will you do me the honor of becoming my bonded?”

There was a chorus of “aw”s and a few sniffles from the watching families, but Albus didn’t notice any of this as he waited for Scorpius’s answer. Scorpius’s smile widened. “Yes.”

Albus breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and kissed Scorpius passionately. In front of them their families broke out into applause.

Challenge #90: Bathroom
Title: Sink
Rating/Warnings: PG. M/M relationship
Characters/Pairing: Dean/Seamus
Summary: Dean and Seamus have recently broken up.
Word Count: 301
Author's Notes:
Registered purchases?: Quill Only

Dean Thomas stood in front of the mirror in the sixth year Gryffindor boy’s bathroom applying some of Sleekeazy’s Hair Potion. He sighed as he worked it into his short dark hair. This year had been a very long year, and it was only half over. It had started out so nicely; he and his best friend had been in a relationship. Things were going great but then something changed. Dean couldn’t put a finger on it, but before he knew it their relationship had gone from wonderful to horrible. Finally Dean had called it off.

He looked in the mirror again and saw the one person he really didn’t want to see right then: Seamus Finnegan. Dean’s ex-boyfriend frowned slightly but approached the sink Dean was using; it was the only one that worked after all. “Spilled some ink,” Seamus muttered as he stood next to Dean and turned on the faucet.

They stood there in awkward silence for a while before Dean finally asked, “How are we ever going to move on from this relationship if we continue to use the same sink?”

Seamus looked at Dean in the mirror and said seriously, “What if I don’t want to move on from this relationship?”

Dean looked puzzled for a moment. “What?”

Seamus turned to face the teen standing next to him. “I don’t want this to be over. I want you still.” He paused. “I love you.”

Dean tried not to smile, but it was proving to be too hard. A small grin started spreading across his face. “I love you too.”

Seamus smiled and took a step closer to the other Gryffindor. “Can we fix this?” he whispered.

Dean nodded and closed the remaining distance between them, kissing the Irishman passionately.

359/30 = 11.9
12+5 bonus = 17
301/30 = 10.03
10+5 bonus = 15
17+15 = 32

32 Points for Hufflepuff!

Hanson Phreek//Hufflepuff

*challenge-090, character: scorpius malfoy, character: dean thomas, rating: pg, *challenge-084, era: next gen, character: albus severus, author: hanson_phreek, character: seamus finnigan

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