2 fics, Challenge #78 + #77

Mar 26, 2011 08:51

Challenge #78: Muggle Objects
Title: Lesson
Rating/Warnings: G. M/M relationship
Characters/Pairing: Harry/Draco
Summary: Harry bought Draco a laptop.
Word Count: 200
Author's Notes:
Registered purchases?: Quill Only

Harry laughed as he watched Draco trying to make his new laptop work. Harry had gotten it for his blond boyfriend for his birthday and planned on teaching Draco how to use it in a series of simple lessons. But Draco had insisted that he didn’t need lessons and could figure it out on his own. They were sitting at the dinning room table, Draco with the laptop in front of him and Harry simply watching the other man

Three hours later all Draco had managed to do was to turn the computer on. Harry chuckled as the blonde Slytherin finally gave up. Draco frowned at the laptop and pushed it away from him. “What’s so funny, Potter?” he spit the name like he used to back when they had been at Hogwarts.

Harry continued to laugh lightly. “You,” he said matter-of-factly. “You’re cute when you’re angry.”

“Malfoys are never cute.”

“Ah, but Potter-Malfoys always are,” Harry grinned.

The hard look in Draco’s eyes softened. “You win this time.” He smiled and pulled the computer close again. “Now teach me how to work this infernal thing.”

“I thought you’d never ask,” Harry said sarcastically.

Challenge #77: Next Generation
Title: Rabbits
Rating/Warnings: G
Characters/Pairing: Lily Luna and Albus Severus. Mentions of Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione
Summary: Two of the Potter children discuss their family.
Word Count: 201
Author's Notes:
Registered purchases?: Quill Only

“I can’t believe that Aunt Hermione is pregnant again,” Albus Severus Potter said one day while sitting the the living room of Number 12 Grimmauld Place with his sister..

“I know.” Lily Luna Potter chuckled. “Do you think her and Uncle Ron know how to do anything other than make more children?” Lily asked, looking at her brother in amusement.

“Apparently not. How many is that now anyways?” Albus paused, thinking. “Six?”

“Eight. It’s twins this time, remember? And you probably left out baby Luke.” Lily shook her head, having a hard time believing it herself.

“I’m just glad Mom and Dad stopped having kids after you. I can’t imagine having that many siblings.” Albus mused.

“Me neither,” Lily agreed. She suddenly got an evil grin on her face and turned to face her brother fully. “Could you imagine our parents going at it like rabbits?”

Albus shuddered, “Lily! I didn’t need that visual.” He closed his eye for a second but quickly opened them again. “Can you obliviate me now?”

Lily laughed manically. “No. Just keep thinking about that one for a while.”

“Ugh. I need some brain bleach!” Albus whined, pouting at his younger sister.

200/30 = 6.6
7+5 bonus = 12
201/30 = 6.7
7+5 bonus = 12
12+12 = 24

24 Points for Hufflepuff!

Hanson Phreek // Hufflepuff

*challenge-077, character: harry potter, pairing: harry/draco, era: next gen, character: albus severus, *challenge-078, rating: g, pairing: ron/hermione, character: lily luna potter, author: hanson_phreek, character: draco malfoy

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