Challenge 77 - Next Generation & Challenge 78 - Muggle Objects

Oct 05, 2010 17:16

Title: A Letter to Home
Rating/Warnings: G; None
Characters/Pairing: Scorpius Malfoy, Draco/Astoria Malfoy
Summary: Scorpius must send a letter home that tells his parents what house he has been sorted into.
Word Count: 771
Author's Notes: Well, I think it might be AU to have Astoria in Hufflepuff, but this goes along with one of my works in progress in which she is a badger, and I started that long before I was sorted at HiH. So. Yeah. Totally not self-insertion, or anything.
Registered purchases?: No

773/30 = 25.76666 = 26 points

Scorpius was sweating bullets.

He should have been asleep; he knew he should be sleeping. But his heart was racing and his mind was whirling - he had promised his mother he would write as soon as he was able to let them know how sorting went.

After the feast, everyone walked to their new common rooms and explored their new dormitories. They exchanged hellos and funny stories and several other boys had pulled out quills and parchment to write out short letters home to their parents. They were doing exactly what Scorp had promised he would do. But he found himself helplessly staring at them, proclaiming he was too tired to write, and anyway, weren’t they all too big for that sort of thing? They were at Hogwarts now, why did they need to check in with their Mommies so soon?

But now the other boys were asleep and he was lying in his bed, wanting nothing more than to check in with his Mommy. He wanted her on his side because his father was liable to explode.

Heck, his grandfather was liable to come down to the school and pull him out.

He’d screwed up big time. He’d be lucky to be ever welcomed back in his grandparent’s home.

There goes the inheritance his mother was always teasing him about.

‘Oh well,’ he thought. ‘Better get it over with sooner than later.’

As quietly as he could, he pulled out a piece of parchment and a quill.

There were many things he wanted to express in his letter - regret, guilt, worry, shame, and, surprisingly, happiness. He wanted to beg his father’s forgiveness and convince his mother to be on his side.

In the end, he simply wrote one word and addressed the letter to his mother.


Astoria cleaned up after breakfast, sighing and humming to herself as she watched the sunrise out of her kitchen window. Her husband sat at the table, his legs crossed and The Daily Prophet in his lap. She was proud of her son for going away to school. She loved him and wanted only the best for him, but she couldn’t help but miss him terribly.

He hadn’t even been gone a full day yet.

“He’s going to be alright, Tori,” Draco said without looking up from the paper, apparently able to read minds all of a sudden.

She hadn’t realized he’d been practicing legilimency.

“Oh, I know,” she replied a little wistfully, rewashing a dish by hand that had been cleaned by magic several minutes prior. “I just miss him.” Embarrassed, she wiped her now wet face on the sleeve of her work robe.

Draco sighed and set his paper down. He stood up and approached her, wrapping his arms around her waist. “He’s a Malfoy,” he reassured her neck. “If I know my boy he’s already got himself a posse gathered together in the Slytherin common room.”

Astoria huffed but was quickly silenced by her husband pressing his lips against her skin.

She had almost forgotten she was waiting on a letter from Scorpius when an owl approached their window. She gasped in delight and quickly opened the window; the tiny barn own dropped a piece of parchment into her hands and flew out again.

The letter was addressed to her; she recognized the hand writing instantly. She tore it open and was stunned to the point of being frozen when she saw what Scorp had written.

Just one word:


Draco was looking at her like she was sprouting another head. “Is everything okay, Tori?” He asked, an eyebrow dangerously high on his forehead.

Astoria remembered how to breathe. She inhaled and promptly started laughing.

Her son had been sorted into her house. Not his father’s - her’s. Ooooh, Father Malfoy was going to lose his head when he heard this! He already hated the fact that she would dare read Beedle the Bard’s stories to his only grandson, further infecting his mind with love of muggles. They’d probably be written out of the will for this!

“Tori?” Draco repeated, taking a step away from her. “Tori, what is it?”

She wiped happy tears from her eyes and willed herself to stop laughing. “Draco,” she said, “you need to sit down.”

He hesitantly complied.

She kissed his lips and pressed the letter into his hands.

The look on his face was priceless. She lost herself to laughter once again. “Now honey, he’s going to be alright.” She said between giggles, happy beyond belief to be able to repeat his words back to him - and happy that she finally believed those words.

Title: Dirty Diapers
Rating/Warnings: G; Um. Some poop and baby nudity.
Characters/Pairing: Rose Weasley, Ron/Hermione Weasley
Summary: Ron has to change his newborn daughter’s diaper for the first time.
Word Count: 985
Author's Notes: Okay, this 30 minute thing is intense!
Registered purchases?: No :(

985/30 = 32.83333 = 33 points

Ron yawned and rubbed his eyes, willing himself to move. Rosie was crying and Hermione was exhausted. They had only just gotten home and she had only slept about two hours in the last three days. He was determined, as the world’s greatest husband, to let her get some sleep. Which meant getting up himself - not an overall pleasant way to spend his night, but, it was worth it.

He shook the covers off and walked to Rose’s bassinet. She was screaming now; her tiny face red, her little hands in tight fists.

She was so freakin’ cute!

He smiled as he scooped her up, before immediately scowling, his face contorting into an uncomfortable grimace.

“Well. I see someone’s had their fiber today.”

Ron carried her out of the bedroom and into the nursery, trying his best to make the cooing noises that seemed to come so naturally to Hermione. This only resulted in Rose crying louder.

Her onesie was wet; her diaper had leaked. When he laid her down on the changing table he took a deep breath and steadied himself.

Ron had yet to actually change his daughter.

In his defense, she was only a few hours old! When Hermione wasn’t with Rose, his mom had been. Her mom was coming to stay with them in a few days time, so there was only this in-between period where he’d even need to change her. And it’s not like he wasn’t willing! There just hadn’t been a moment.

But now, when he was all alone with his baby girl, and she was wet and needed to be changed, he was terrified he was going to hurt her.

He continued to coo and with all the care of a thief trying to break into a house in the middle of the night, he unsnapped the buttons on her onesie. When that didn’t immediately break her, he slowly tried to pull it off of her.

It got stuck on her arms and he held his breath. Rose had stopped crying and was staring up at him, almost as if she was trying to see what he was going to do.

Slowly, very slowly, he pushed her arms out of the onesie. When she was free of the frilly pink thing Hermione had dressed her in, he gave a sound of delight. He had taken clothes off his daughter and she hadn’t died!

Unfortunately, his making a sudden noise had frightened his daughter back into crying hysterically.

“Now, now, Rosie,” he cooed, gently running the palm of his hand over her fuzzy red hair, “Daddy is sorry.”

Everyone had been amazed by the amount of vibrant, red hair she had been born with. Actually, that was how they decided on her name - she was simply as red as rose. George had laughed and punched him in the arm.

“Well - at least you know she’s yours!” He had said.

Ron sighed and evaluated the situation. His daughter now wasn’t wearing her wet onesie, but she still needed a clean diaper.

Diapers were a very interesting object. They were so foreign a thing - so muggle - that he had no idea what he was doing. He had never really seen one before. Not that he could remember, anyway. When Ginny was born he had still been in them himself, so, he hadn’t ever really gotten any practice. And Fleur was so protective of Victoire he’d barely gotten to hold his niece, let alone change her diaper.

Of course, he had gotten to hold his nephew, James, but he had never volunteered to change James’ diaper. Not that Ginny or Harry had ever requested that from him.


What was he supposed to do?

Ron scratched his head.

Rose cried.

He sighed. “Okay. First things first. Let’s get this old one off of you.”

Taking it off didn’t prove to be a problem - he unfastened it and pulled it completely off his daughter. She stopped crying and stared up at him again.

He smiled at her. “See, Rosie? Daddy knows what he’s doing! And everyone else wouldn’t let him near their kids and their diapers. Pfft. Piece of cake!”

Rose made a face.

She started pooping.

“Oh no! I haven’t got a new diaper on!” Ron exclaimed, horrified.

It bubbled out of her like foamy mustered.

He gagged and grabbed a wet wipe, holding it against her bum, trying to stop the overflow that was covering her changing table. As soon as she was finished, she started crying again.

Ron had no choice but to wipe both her and the changing table down, softly cooing and trying to reassure his daughter that everything was going to be just fine. Everyone had accidents, so she didn’t need to be ashamed or anything. And he promised he wouldn’t tell anyone.

Putting a new diaper back on wasn’t too difficult considering he had managed to take one off. The scary part came when he had to put a new onesie on her. Terrified of hurting her again, he held her against his chest while he pulled a purple outfit over her head. Being close to him seemed to relax her, and she stopped crying and fussing long enough for him to get her dressed again.

Proud of himself and his expert parenting skills - why was every member in his family so reluctant to let him take care of the kids anyway? He was clearly a natural - he carried Rose back into their bedroom. She was practically asleep by the time he shut the door.

“Is everything okay?” Hermione asked groggily from her side of the bed, her hair tousled and her eyes crusted with sleep.

He carefully put a tired Rose into her bassinet before quietly sliding back in bed. He kissed his wife on the forehead and pulled her to him, wrapping her up in his arms and their blankets.

“Never been better.”

26 + 33 = 59 points for Hufflepuff!


*challenge-077, character: scorpius malfoy, character: ron weasley, pairing: draco/astoria, author: touchofviolet, character: rose weasley, *challenge-078, character: astoria greengrass-malfoy, character: hermione granger, rating: g, pairing: ron/hermione, character: draco malfoy

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