Challenge #79 - Trick

Oct 05, 2010 02:35

Characters/Pairing: Severus Snape
Summary: After Severus has another encounter with the Marauders, he seeks a new way to deal with them.
Word Count: 241
Author's Notes: I know this is pretty short, but this is my first attempt at writing Harry Potter fic.
Registered purchases?: none
Total Points: 241/30 = 8.03 points for Hufflepuff

Severus rushed from the Great Hall, rage building within him as he fought back tears. This was one time too many that Potter and his arrogant group of friends: Sirius, Remus, and Peter, humiliated him in front of their classmates. They would get what was coming to them.

He reached the library and because it was dinnertime in the Great Hall, it was relatively empty. Madam Pince was busy fighting off one of the more aggressive books so Severus snuck past the rope that sectioned off some of the Dark Arts books. He quickly found a few that seemed like they’d be helpful and then shoved them into his bag before rushing back out and heading to his favorite spot to be alone. Severus found the grove of trees around the back of the castle that would provide some much needed privacy. He’d spent countless hours here studying or secluding himself from most of his classmates after Potter or someone else taunted him or worse.

After several minutes of angrily pacing around the small clearing amidst the trees, Severus finally sat down and opened the books. One of the first things that drew his attention was a simple incantation. It was perfect. There was a note of symmetry between his own name, Severus Snape, and his new means for retribution for Potter and his friends. He placed quill to a page in his Potions book and wrote down the incantation: Sectumsempra.

Laura // Hufflepuff

era: marauder, character: severus snape, *challenge-079

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