Challenge #79 - Trick

Oct 06, 2010 01:58

Title: All The Same
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 for language, I suppose
Characters/Pairing: Rose/Scorpius
Summary: Rose finds out that a trick has been played on her.
Word Count: 497
Author's Notes:
Registered purchases?: Yes, both :)

His pulse was uncomfortably high and his fingertips seemed to prickle with anxiety as he watched her eyes fill with tears. He wanted to say something, but he couldn’t get himself to speak. Tears began streaming rapidly down her cheeks and he had never felt worse in his life.

“You tricked me?” she asked in a weak voice.

“Rose, I…yes.” He said, his shoulder slumping. “I didn’t mean for it to get this far, I swear.”

The fact that her pained expression and the tear-stained cheeks were all his fault was extremely difficult to deal with. He hadn’t planned for her to figure out at all, not after his plan had backfired and he ended up falling for her in the process. The plan had been to just keep it secret forever and never let her know that their relationship was built on a lie.

“Everything was just to get back at my cousin?” she asked, her sad eyes piercing into him, burning a hole right through his chest.

“Not everything,” he said urgently. “It started out that way. I… I wanted to get together with you to get back at him for tricking me. But it backfired. I started getting feelings for you, Rose. Even if I was lying in the beginning, I swear to you that our relationship is real.”

He hadn’t even finished the last sentence before she had jumped off the bed and pointed her wand in his face. Breathing heavily, he stared at the wand before looking up to meet her gaze. She was furious and he knew it.

“Rose, please listen to me.”

“Shut up,” she said, her voice shaking. “You’re a vile human being, Scorpius. I don’t know who you think you are: using other people like that. Did my feelings mean nothing to you?”

“They do,” he said desperately. “I’m sorry for what I did and how it started out, but I… I love you, Rose. I never planned to, but I do.”

“Don’t you fucking dare,” she cried, her wand shaking in her grip. “I guess they were all right about your family. I stood up for you. I said you were different, but you’re not, are you? You Malfoys are all the same. You’re all the same, vile creatures who step on people to get what you want.”

He just stared at her, not knowing what to say anymore. She started crying again and took two deep breaths before she turned around and stormed out of the room. Scorpius was left alone on his bed, staring out into the room. It wasn’t the first time he’d heard that he was just like his father and grandfather, but he’d always brushed it off and never taken it to heart because he knew it wasn’t true. But this time he wondered if perhaps they were all right. Maybe he was exactly like his father and grandfather. He sighed and fell back on the bed, staring up into the canopy.

497/30 + 10 ~ 27 points


character: scorpius malfoy, *challenge-079, character: rose weasley, author: xfortytwo, rating: pg-13, era: next gen

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