Title: Disturbed
Summary: Draco was a bit twisted as a child
Characters/Pairings: Draco Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy
Genre: Gen
Beta: None
Rating/Warnings: None
Medium: Drabble
Word Count: 100
With a wave of his Father's wand, it was dead. Draco looked at the ground around him, a beetle graveyard. Curling his lip, he brushed off his sleeves, lest some dirt or a bug corpse had dared to touch him.
"Draco, sweetheart?" He could hear his mother calling, he wasn't supposed to play outside without telling her first. He'd be in trouble.
Outside, Narcissa walked out to the edge of the garden, burned grass everywhere. 'Disgusting behaviour.' She thought, 'How terrible, the commoners they let in this neighbourhood. Awful children, no boundaries, physiologically disturbed all of them.'
Title: Confiscation
Summary: Minerva relaxes at the end of the day with the items she has taken from students.
Characters/Pairings: Minerva McGonagall aka HBIC
Genre: Humour supposedly
Beta: None
Rating/Warnings: None
Medium: Drabble
Word Count: 100
It had been a long day and Minerva was glad to be alone. Setting aside her glasses, she undid her tight hairdo and sat back on her bed, a sigh escaping her lips. Her eyes closed for a moment or two as she dosed, but it wasn't time for sleep yet, first, her favourite part of the day.
Leaning over the side, she picked up her bag and pulled out items she had confiscated that day. The run in with the Weasleys earlier should have provided something. Minerva grinned as she pulled out the items, this should be interesting.
Title: Change
Summary: Dudley's Life is Changing Tonight
Characters/Pairings: Dudley Dursley
Beta: None
Rating/Warnings: None
Medium: Drabble
Word Count: 100
Biting his lip he stared out the window. He hadn't said a word since they left the house, his Mother was fussing round him, straightening his shirt, patting down his hair...his father on the other hand had been talking nonstop, ranting while he drove, not stopping for a breath. He didn't like having these wizards in his car, and he liked even less doing what they said, even though he knew it was for the best.
Dudley coughed, barely able to hold back his tears. His whole life was changing tonight, anything could happen, Harry could die.
3 Challenge Drabbles= 7+7+7 = 21 points