1 fic, 2 drabbles, no challenge

Jun 03, 2010 21:30

Title: The Morning After
Summary: After his first night with Sirius, Remus wakes up alone.
Characters/Pairings: SiriusXRemus
Genre: Romance
Rating/Warnings: PG
Word Count: 256
Note: written for klef

The bedside table clock read 7:30 AM when he realized that he was in bed alone. Remus’s eyes opened blearily and his worst fear was realized. Sirius was gone.

He sat up, so suddenly that his vision went momentarily black from a head rush, but when his vision cleared he wished he was unconscious again. Sirius’s clothes that had been flung to the ground in their sudden revelation of passion were gone along with their wearer.

Remus felt his heart twist in a knot more painful than any of his werewolf transformations. He had thought that their friendship would be strong enough for this. That Sirius truly felt the same way, but he had been wrong.

He fell back into bed, covering his head with a pillow in a childish effort to block out the rest of the world, to take back what he had learned in the last few seconds.

“Rise and shine, Moony,” the pillow was ripped from his grasp, revealing a grinning Sirius and hovering plates of food. Remus wasn’t sure what was brighter, the sunlight or the force of Sirius’s smile.

He stared in disbelief, mouth hanging open, and finally recovered enough to say, “I thought you had left.”

Sirius’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion and he sat next to Remus on the bed, taking his hand, “Do you really have so little faith in me?”

Remus shook his head, silently and Sirius leaned forward. Their lips met and the plates fell to the ground, shattering, but neither man paid them any attention.

Title: Respect
Summary: Kreacher lived a lonely life.
Characters/Pairings: Kreacher
Genre: General
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 100

It had been a very long time since Kreacher had someone who was kind to him, someone who respected him. He had loved his Mistress and Master and their son. The other one had broken his Mistress' heart and for that he would never forgive him. Having to serve the other one had been torture.

But now there was Harry Potter and his two friends. They were mudbloods and blood traitors, Kreacher's Mistress would have hated them, but they were kind to Kreacher and they promised to finish Master Regulus' work.

For that they earned Kreacher's respect and love.

Title: Kiss Me
Summary: A songdrabble inspired by "Kiss Me" by Sixpence none the Richer
Characters/Pairings: Lily PotterXScorpius Malfoy
Genre: Romance
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 100

"We're going to get caught, Lily," Scorpius warned, following his friend.

"No, we won't," the Gryffindor scoffed, jabbing at the map with her wand, "When will you learn, my Father's map has never led us wrong."

"Yeah, well, we've never left the castle before," he argued to which Lily merely smiled.

"Are you afraid to get in trouble, my prefect," stopping, her eyes roamed to his badge beside the Slytherin crest, "because you'll lose your chances of Head Boy?"



"Good," she smiled brightly and stole their first kiss.

Dumbfounded, Scorpius allowed himself to be led to the moonlit grounds.



P.S. there is no Lily Potter tag?

character: remus lupin, character: scorpius malfoy, character: sirius black, rating: g, character: lily luna potter, character: kreacher, creator: goddess_of_ice, rating: pg

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