3 drabbles, no challenge

Jun 03, 2010 21:47

Title: There She Goes
Summary: A songdrabble inspired by "There she Goes" by Sixpence None the Richer
Characters/Pairings: DracoXHermione
Genre: Romance
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 100

He stood there by the window everyday. Crabbe and Goyle were clueless as to why, but then they were clueless to many things. He stood and he watched, hands clasped behind his back, a strange light in his pale eyes.

It was nearly time, his shoulders tensed in young anticipation. Here she comes.

Hermione Granger strode by on her way to Herbology, smiling contently. She paused, a second sense informing her she was being observed, but finding no one she continued on her way.

Draco Malfoy stared longingly through the window until she was out of sight.

There she goes.

Title: Moony, Moony -- No!
Summary: Sequel to this.
Characters/Pairings: Remus Lupin, James Potter, and Sirius Black
Genre: Humor
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 100

"You know what I think, Jamesy?" Sirius asked unexpectedly.

"No, nor do I care."

"I think Evans would be much better suited with me."

The common room fell silent as James jumped angrily to his feet, "Would not."

"Would too."

"I'm having a sense of déjà vu," Remus muttered to himself as his friends continued to bicker childishly.

"WOULD N-wait, I know. Moony," James began brightly but Remus had already leapt from his chair.

"No!" He howled, "I will not tell you which one of you is prettier!"

He fled.

James and Sirius exchanged dumbfounded looks. Moony was a really strange guy...

Title: Love is...
Summary: Severus realizes the meaning of love.
Characters/Pairings: Severus Snape
Genre: Tragedy
Rating/Warnings: PG
Word Count: 100

"What is love?" Young Severus Snape asked his mother.

It was a rare moment of peace in the house as Mr. Snape was out on business and Mrs. Snape and Severus were taking advantage of the calm.

"Why would you ask such a thing?"

Severus flushed, "It was in a book, it spoke of 'true love'."

She cupped his face, "It is not something I can explain. One day you'll just know, I hope."

In the end, Severus did understand. As darknes clouded his vision until all he could see was a pair of green eyes he knew.

Love is...



character: remus lupin, character: draco malfoy, character: sirius black, rating: g, creator: goddess_of_ice, character: hermione granger, rating: pg, character: severus snape, character: james potter

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