3 drabbles, no challenge

Jun 03, 2010 21:13

Title: Melt With Me
Summary: Remus and Tonks are very different.
Characters/Pairings: TonksXRemus
Genre: Romance
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 100

She was an metamorphagus, he a werewolf. She was young and full of life while he was old and past his prime. She laughed loudly, smiled often and loved without bounds. He had horrors in his life that made him reluctant to do any of the three.

He had told her this, countless times and quite firmly, yet she continued to pursue him. Retlentlessly. Recklessly. Sirius would have laughed at him. James would have urged him to just give in. Remus knew they were just too different; it would never work.

But when she kissed him, the differences melted away.

Title: Picture Perfect
Summary: A moment in the Lupin household.
Characters/Pairings: TonksXRemus and Teddy
Genre: General
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 100

"Dora! Dora!" Remus Lupin shouted and Nymphedora Lupin came running.

"What's wrong? Is Teddy okay?"

Remus grinned proudly, holding up a giggling baby. "His hair changed again," he pushed the child closer to the mother's face, "See!"

Nymphedora raised an eyebrow, "Yes, I see. It will continue to do that you know."

Remus now busied himself tickling the blue headed infant's belly as he squealed happily. Nymphedora smiled, who would've guessed Remus would be a softy?

Remus caught her looking, "What?"

Nymphedora held back a laught as Teddy grabbed a hold of his father's ear.


Title: Battle of the House Elves
Summary: Kreacher and Dobby work together to watch Draco. Sort of.
Characters/Pairings: Kreacher and Dobby
Genre: Humor?
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 100

Kreacher and Dobby silently stalked Draco Malfoy. They used their elf magic to make themselves invisible as well as soundless. Kreacher took advantage of this to complain.

"If my poor Mistresss knew that Kreacher was forced to serve the Potter brat," Kreacher moaned.

"Harry Potter is noble and kind, not a brat!" Dobby screeched, offended.

"Harry Potter is mean and stupid and UGLY!"

"You will not speak so of Harry Potter!"

Dobby tackled Kreacher. Little fists flew. Nails scratched and teeth bit and piece of flesh they could find.

Draco continued on his way, completely unaware of the battle behind.



character: teddy lupin, character: remus lupin, character: dobby, rating: g, character: nymphadora tonks, character: kreacher, creator: goddess_of_ice

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