Title: Differences Summary: Harry and Ginny lay in bed, thinking about their relationship Characters/Pairings:Harry/Ginny- sort of. Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley.
Rating/Warnings: PG, maybe?
Word Count: 355
A/N: Written for
ladyxmoonlight Harry looked at Ginny, in bed next to him. He cringed inwardly, and knew he had to tell her. He just didn’t know how. He looked at her there, in the bed. Barely dressed and entangled in the white sheet from their lovemaking, or whatever it was. Certainly not love making, as he had no love for her anymore. It wasn’t like their school days; things had changed, and so had he.
Her red hair splayed like a mermaid’s, the white sheet accentuating her pale skin. He wanted to wake her right then and there, and tell her. But what would he tell her? Not the truth, certainly. He couldn’t tell her the only connection between them was lust and not love, and that he had fallen in love with someone else. And he certainly could not tell her that that someone else was a man, and that man was none other than Draco Malfoy, their archenemy from Hogwarts. She would kill him, surely. It had been so stupid to get married straight away. It hadn’t taken him that long to figure out there was no real love between them. Harry wondered if she knew, if she felt the same.
He couldn’t bring himself to tell her, and so, he didn’t. He would wait, for a better time. But it seemed there would be no better time, and so Harry was left, waiting for something that would never come.
Ginny lay in the bed, pretending to be asleep. She could feel him moving in the bed, his strong legs touching hers. He’s been so different these last few weeks, Ginny thought, but assumed it was from the stress of his job. She hoped they could make it work. That was all Ginny wanted, a life with the boy she’d always loved, the boy she watched grow into a man. He still loves me, she thought, over and over, like a litany. They had just made love, and it was still as wonderful to Ginny as the first time. She knew that they loved each other, she had faith in that that was all they needed.