Challenge: Drabble Challenge #151: Fish are Friends.

May 11, 2016 22:59

Title: Fish are Friends
Summary: Arthur brings home some pets.
Characters/Pairings: Arthur, Bill and Charlie
Genre: Gen
Beta: Myself
Rating/Warnings: G
Medium: prose
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: Not worth it imo
If yes, your Tumblr username: n/a
Arthur looked down at the bags he had in his hands, which contained two fish. He and Molly had been discussing a pet for the kids for months, but they couldn’t seem to put enough money away. Something always seemed to happen whenever they finally got enough money for another owl, or a dog (Errol wasn’t very cuddly). After a long explanation from the worker about how to take care of fish, he nodded that he would take the two.

Bill and Charlie ran up the walk. “A pet! A pet at last!” they screamed in joy, and Arthur smiled.

Katie//Puff//8 pts for Hufflepuff

creator: sweetnessarose, *challenge, character: charlie weasley, character: bill weasley, character: arthur weasley

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