Weekly Social Post!

May 09, 2016 17:48

Banner by renrenren3

Hi guys! Let's talk about our creative process!

Fill out the meme below the cut, if you want to, and discuss answers with others! Or you can use this post to brainstorm any ideas you're brewing, talk about the monthly prompts, figure out ways to beat the block, or whatever! It's a free for all. :)


1. Have you ever written in an unusual place?

2. The word/phrase you know you overuse, but can’t get rid of.

3. Do you keep notes? Do you have a notebook?

4. What’s the hardest part of a fic to write for you?

5. Have you ever based something in your fic on your personal experience? What was it?

6. What’s that one fic you want to write but somehow know you never will?

7. What do you usually do when you procrastinate?

8. What’s the funniest typo you’ve made?

9. Do you listen to music when you write?

10. Your favorite comment a reader has left on your fic?

!social post

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