The Wedding Guest; G (1 fic, no challenge)

May 15, 2016 12:32

Title: The Wedding Guest
Summary: Dudley attends Harry's wedding.
Characters/Pairings: Dudley, mentions of Harry and Weasleys
Genre: gen
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 886
Author's Note: Fun fact, I've been writing this short fic off and on for four years for some reason. I decided to finally just finish it up.
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: nty

This was a mistake, of course -- something he didn't realize until it was too late, now that he was here. Awkwardly, Dudley pulled at his suit sleeves. It was too tight everywhere, making him even more uncomfortable. And he obviously didn't belong with the rest of the crowd. He had seen wizard robes before but Harry wore black and dark red and for some reason Dudley thought that's what all wizards wore.

He cataloged the rainbow of color around him: red as ruby robes, purple so deep it was almost black robes, spring green robes. A large, fat man in a deep yellow robe walked by. It looked like the cloth was spun from gold and it must have weighed a ton as the man lumbered towards to seating area. But it was an old woman in a starry black robe that made him nearly jump out of his skin. Her outfit sparkled in the low lighting of the candles, causing it to look like a night sky. Unexpectedly, a firework shot off of her sleeve and into the air with a terrifying CRACK! A few nearby wizards clapped and admired her daring choice. Dudley tried to slow his heartbeat, unsuccessful as the next firecracker jumped off the hem of her robes. He quickly made his way to the ceremony location just to get away from her.

It was a bit calmer there but he still saw some amazing outfits. Perhaps this is what wizards wore to fancy occasions. Dudley wouldn't really know, having only seen his cousin in school robes. He wore a uniform to school so that, at least, had always made sense to Dudley.

Even though he and Harry had mended their relationship over the years, he was still surprised to be invited to such a large wizarding event. There was some rule that stated you couldn't do magic in front of regular people but maybe you could apply for a waiver or something. Dudley mulled this over as he tried to find a seat.

There was so much he didn't know about wizards but he hardly ever found himself wondering much about it. The curiosity only peaked when he was in the middle of the oddity. Usually, when he met with Harry, it was in a pub or restaurant near his home and nothing magical went on at all.

The ceremony area, at least, looked normal. There was a floral arch at the end of a white-carpeted aisle. The flowers looked like they were floating a bit but sitting as far away as he was, Dudley could imagine they were just fluttering in the wind or hanging by some thin thread.

They were getting married in this huge backyard that belonged to the bride's family. The weather ended up being perfect for an outdoor wedding. Still, Dudley felt himself sweating a bit in his long-sleeved suit that was a bit too small for him. He just wanted everything to start so that it could end and he could go home. Not for the first time that afternoon, Dudley thought he should have just sent a card.

It seemed like an eternity before music began to play and everyone took their seats around him. Dudley couldn't figure out where the music was coming from since there were no speakers anywhere. He added it to the list of things not to think about too hard.

He watched as Harry and two men with him marched down the aisle to the make-shift altar. Dudley never met any of his cousin's friends but from the red hair and freckles of the taller one, he guessed that was the infamous Ron Weasley. (Though they did not get along as children, Dudley certainly knew the story of how Ron Weasley drove a flying car all the way to their ordinary home on Privet Drive when they were 12. That was the first of many Ron Weasley stories Dudley would hear over the course of their school years.)

The music changed and a parade of women started down the white pathway: a beautiful, curly-haired brunette in pale pink robes; a smaller, bouncy blonde with rose-pink robes that stopped at her shins; finally the bride in soft white. Ginny's dress swept along the ground and Dudley feared she might trip over it. But as he watched her glide down the aisle, he instead thought she might literally be floating.

It was a quick procession to the front and an even quicker race to the end of the ceremony. It was nothing like the wedding he went to for his university buddy that took nearly an hour. This seemed to be a prologue for the party that commenced almost immediately after the bride and groom were pronounced married.

The crowd stood up abruptly and shouted, wands raised and shooting off sparks in celebration. Dudley clambered to his feet awkward and applauded, his only way to add to the excitement. Maybe he was the only non-wizard in the whole bunch, whatever possessed Harry to invite him Dudley was suddenly grateful. How many years they wasted hating each other, how jealous he felt of Harry and how angry he'd been about that. Here, his cousin's smile was brighter than Dudley had ever seen and he was happy to be apart of that.

886 words/30 =
30 points for Hufflepuff

character: dudley dursley, creator: caitieness, genre: gen

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