Fic: Challenge 12

Apr 14, 2011 12:30

Title: Sparklypoo
Summary: There's a new House at Hogwarts and its inhabitants are a little...well...sparkly.
Characters/Pairings: Rose Weasley, Lily Potter, Albus Potter, Scorpius Malfoy, som surprise guests
Genre: Humor/AU/Crossover
Beta: None
Rating/Warnings: G

Rose sat at the Ravenclaw House table, waiting for the Sorting to start. It had been a long summen between trying to get a head start on studying for her NEWTs, planning out the year (she had been made Head Girl) and figuring out what jobs and programs to apply for. It was good just to sit back and gossip with her friends for a bit.

The door to the Great Hall swung open. Professor Flitwick stood in the entrance, still smaller than half of the first years. In fact, he was much smaller than six of them…

Rose’s were drawn to the tall, pale sextet following the smaller, nervous first years. They were definitely a good-looking bunch, if in an old-fashioned and slightly unnatural way. They were paired off- the tiny brunette girl with the long haired blonde boy, the willowy blonde (was she related to Aunt Fleur?) with a large dark haired boy and, ending the parade, a fragile dark haired girl clutching the arm of a sad faced boy with brownish red hair.

“Aren’t they a little…old to be sorted here?” The whisper came from behind her. Rose turned around to see her cousin Lily leaning precariously towards her from the neighboring Gryffindor table.

“Hogwarts must finally be accepting transfer students” she whispered back. “Now sit up before you fall on your arse in front of the whole school.” Lily scowled and straightened up.

The Sorting Hat’s song distracted Rose from staring at the strange newcomers. It was the same song that she had heard her third year, the one that talked about the founding of Hogwarts. The Hat seemed to have a few on a regular rotation now that there wasn’t as much for it to warn the students about. It was definitely more boring than the stories her father and uncles told about sorting when they were young.

One by one, the first years clambered onto the stool and put the hat on. Some were more nervous than others; one girl pulled the hat all the way down over her head and had trouble pulling it off over her nose once she had been sent to Gryffindor. Rose applauded all the students, cheering the ones who joined Ravenclaw. She noticed that the pale strangers weren’t being called.
Once all the smaller students had been sorted properly, the Hat let out a huge sigh.

“Bella Swan” it said in a strangely disappointed tone of voice.

The dark haired girl untangled her arm from her boyfriends and made her way towards the hat. As she placed it on her head, the Hat looked unhappier than Rose had ever seen it.

“Sparklypoo” it said after a long pause.

The entire Hall broke out into confused chatter. “What the hell is a Sparklypoo?” Scorpious asked her from across the table.

“How am I supposed to know that?” Rose retorted. “Do I look like I control the Hat?”

Suddenly, the entire Hall shifted. The students found their tables pushed closer together to accommodate a fifth, smaller table with a small tapestry hanging above it. The tapestry depicted a rainbow colored unicorn galloping across a sunlit meadow. The whole thing sparkled.

It was almost revolting.

Bella jumped off the stool and made her way over to the new table. She was soon joined by her friends, who were apparently all related to each other.

“It’s like some weird family cult or something” Scorpius remarked.

“No kidding,” said Rose, openly staring at them, along with most of the school.

The buzzing of the students’ not-so-quiet whispers died away as Headmaster McGonagall’s chair scraped against the floor.

“As some of you may have noticed we have some new…additions this year” she said, fixing her most authoritative glare upon the entire Hall. “We have some…special students studying with us this year. They’ve come along way, so I hope you will be as welcoming to them as you are to the other new students this year.”

She continued, introducing the professors and discussing the new rules Filch had managed to add to the ever growing list, most notably a blanket ban on products from Weasley’s Wizarding Wheezes.

“Uncle George is NOT going to be pleased by that!” Lily was leaning across the gap again.

“Are you kidding? He’s going to have the time of his life figuring out ways to get around Filch. It’s his favorite thing to do.” Lily laughed and turned back around again.

McGonagall finished speaking and clapped her hands. The tables filled with food and soon the Hall was filled with happy chatter and gossip. Rose looked up from her roast chicken and noticed that the Sparklypoo students weren’t eating anything. Some of them were sipping delicately from their cups, but mostly they were staring at their surroundings and talking quietly to themselves.

Once every student was full to bursting, the food melted away. McGonagall stood again to lead them in a truly hideous rendition of the school song. To be honest, Rose couldn’t remember a time when the song HADN’T sounded hideous.

McGonagall cleared her throat as the last notes died away. “Welcome again to Hogwarts. First years, please follow your prefects to your House common rooms. Students of Sparklypoo, you will be staying with the Head Boy and Head Girl in their dormitories. Room has been made for you.”

Rose caught the eye of Albus, the Head Boy. He did not look pleased. She squeezed her through the crush of students leaving the Hall and made her way over to him at the Slytherin table.

“Did you have any idea that babysitting a bunch of weird transfer students would be on the list of our duties this year?” Albus asked her as she approached.

“Shush! They might hear you!” she whispered, peeking over at the Sparklypoo table.

“Oh please. Everyone’s been staring at them for three hours. If they don’t know we all think they’re odd by now then they’re truly daft.” Rose rolled her eyes and approached the table. As she did, six pairs of golden eyes fixated upon her.

“Erm, hi. I’m Rose. The Head Girl. Um, I think the girls are supposed to come with me? The guys will be going with Albus over there.” She waved her hand at Albus, who rolled his eyes inconspicuously.

The tiniest one, Alice, bounced up from her chair and threw her arms around Rose. Confused, Rose stared down at her.

“It’s so wonderful to meet you!” she cried in a thick American accent. “I know we’re going to be the closest of friends!”

“Erm, I’m sure we are” Rose said, awkwardly hugging her back.

“These are my friends, Rosalie and Bella! They’re so excited to be here too! We can’t wait to get to know everyone and start our classes!” Rosalie looked Rose up and down and sniffed. Bella was staring into the eyes of her boyfriend and appeared not to have heard a word that Alice had said.

“Well, it’s almost curfew, so we should probably go to the Ravenclaw dormitories. The girls should at least.” Rosalie sighed and got up, dragging Bella along with her. The four left the Hall and headed up the main staircase

“I hope my suitcases are already there. There’s stuff I need in there,” Rosalie said.

“Where are the boys going to be staying?” This came from Bella, who apparently had regained the power of speech now that she had been separated from her boyfriend.

“Well, Albus is in Slytherin, so they’ll be living in their House” Rose explained as they ascended.

“What kind of name is Albus?” sniffed Rosalie.

“The name of a family friend. If you think that’s bad, you should hear his middle name.” The girls grew quiet as they approached the entrance. Rose solved the riddle quickly and led them into the common room.

“So, the girl’s rooms are up that staircase on the right. Ours is at the very top. Your trunks should already be there. I have to talk to some people, so I’ll join you up there later.” Alice hugged her again and bounded up the stairs, followed by Rosalie and Bella.

Rose slumped into the nearest armchair. It was going to be a looooong year.

1371 words/30 + 5 = 51 points for Hufflepuff!

Maya//Hufflepuff//I soooooo don't have a sigtag rn

character: rose weasley, character: scorpius malfoy, genre: humor, genre: crossover, rating: g, character: lily luna potter, form: fic, character: albus severus potter

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