Dec 15, 2002 22:50
Sleepy, but ok. I woke up in order to go to Meeting for Worship this morning, which is always good, and even more so this morning due to having a friend with me, Moe. So I met her at the meeting house which is very easy for me to get to because the bus that stops outside my hall also stops outside the Quaker meeting house. The meeting for wrship was very different this week mainly because it was all age worship, which meant lots of childrens noises throughout meeting. It was really good.
After meeting me and Moe went to China town for dim sum, then I came home and napped for a bit (becomming a habit, I guess I need more sleep). In the evening I went to a charol concert where Jeannette was singing. I walked to it with Jennifer, which was very good indeed (notice small amout of bias in my voice (quite like Jennifer). I am considering going to something mentioned in the concert called Christianity Explored, it sound interesting.