Severus Snape, April 15, 1979

Mar 28, 2007 22:15

Name: Severus Snape
Format: ...Notes?
Date: April 15, 1979
Relevence: Extract from one of S. Snape's first-war stillroom books. Date shortly precedes the appearance of a tombstone, engraved with the Dark Mark and a quarter-moon encircled in claws, in the front yard of DMT member Elric Marchpine, whose daughter Lisa (14) had disappeared some two weeks previously. The girl was never found.
Warnings: large text table, reduced image size, disturbing implications.

Click image to see page full-sized.

Sun, April 8, 1979

7:30: strain F14 & clean cauld
40: heat on F14, A8
46: chill D12 • A8's yarrow
8:15: prep jimson & crup marrow, stir D12 d[eisiel]
9: 20 heat on D12 + marrow, stir d[eisiel]1 w[iddershins]1
27: D12 to 250°C, clarify
42: strain F14 & clean cauld (<=circled) CRETIN!1
10:03: jimson to A8. 8w2d
06: A8 simmer, 4w1dx12+runes, contx3
19: Pelican blood to d12. Powd. ok? NO!2
27: scurvy-grass to D12 w[iddershins]
45: preheat cauldron & water to boil, & reduce
59: start C3. 9d 3w 6d 3w
11:29: D will show to drivel re food, T-1. Don't jump.
11:44: ". Strain F14 etc.
11:55: dining room

12:30: examine N
45: restorative for N: clar hon, ginger, nettle & rasp leaves. Speak to Z ab't more vit B6 for her---get more f. unicorn root.
55: simmer N's ^, prep room
1:00: [RL]
3:00 (approx): cleanup--BE THOROUGH.*
10: "cleanup" init prep tonight. [/]
4:30: complete & take PJ
35: Ducks @ St. J
5:15: get back. Check clarif. on C3
30: start D15 Use Liquid pel blood this time!
45: Decant A8, clean cauld
52: strain & bottle A7, clean glassware
55: Mon's schedule For future ref prepare anti-N draught before [remainder removed; paper restored to its original state]
7:15: Dress
7:30: supper--don't be late this time; finish schedule after if necessary
1NTS: clean D's tea-towel for him before or after extreme dessication sets in?2
* Requisition more bleach
2 after Reward helpfulness. Before.

Remember--out of false u-root, bleach, anti-nausea, Dreamless, low on pow'd lapis.

Flour=>grain=>grass=>♃ [Jupiter] ^
Salt ♁ [Earth] v
Water ☽ [Moon] sin
Yeast ☉ [Sun] dext
☿ [Mercury] => [sketch of a loaf of bread]

[Poor-quality copy of a diagram found in a 5th-year Transfiguration textbook, not entirely legible even before it was scribbled on]
[Accompanying text:] "Transforming nature is nothing but driving the elements around in a circle." (Arnald de Villanova, Chymical Writings, Vienna edition, 1749)
--Secret figures of the Rosicrucians, Altona, 1978
[underlining added in to copy in black ink]

elems? Goal elems
trans elems
base elems

8 poles => unbroken chain [some doodles] Perfect! Sk[ip two.]

Forget the anti-nausea draughts penseive and recap later. No one else is bothered by this sort of thing. Gett over it. Now.

[drawing of St. James' Park]

[character for 'person']:
H20: 35L
C: 20kg
NH3: 4L
P: 800 g
CaO: 1.5 kg
NaCl: 250g
KNO3: 100g
S: 80g
F: 7.5g
Fe: 5g
Si: 3g + 15 trace elems--negligible in reverse

♀ + ly'py--increase ☽
paint= Ag+Hg liq. alloy?

[characters for person, woman, wolf, and dog, scratched out, most heavily at the beginning and end]

back to nature is good. best. don't forget it.

[inked array that vaguely echoes the diagram]
Crap. With the compass. See if D can follow a diagram. [/]
switch inner sin & ^ sigels?
should be CENTER-centric
start & end @ ☿

[Sketch of an open-mouthed, hollow-eyed person with a fluffy afro, surrounded by a worm and saying "O NO!!!!!" ]
[Sketch of a duck with a piece of bread in its mouth held over a bowl. The bread has a crude animal's face on it, with fangs and whiskers, and the bowl has some odd, almost crack-like markings]
Ag burns cease to form as virulently after 10min--completely by 17.

Photocopied diagram from:
Roob, Alexander, Alchemy and Mysticism (the Hermetic Museum), Taschen 2005
Cut-text quote: Claude Debussy
Related thread

notes, 1979, severus_snape

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