Severus Snape, April 15, 1979

Mar 28, 2007 22:15

Name: Severus Snape
Format: ...Notes?
Date: April 15, 1979
Relevence: Extract from one of S. Snape's first-war stillroom books. Date shortly precedes the appearance of a tombstone, engraved with the Dark Mark and a quarter-moon encircled in claws, in the front yard of DMT member Elric Marchpine, whose daughter Lisa (14) had disappeared some two ( Read more... )

notes, 1979, severus_snape

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Comments 213

subvrsvwhiskers March 29 2007, 21:43:26 UTC
OMG. Too fantastic for words! And Peter is begrudgingly admitting that were he born 20 years later, he would have fanboyed Roy. To which Roy is just smirking and pretending to inspect his glove. ;)

*takes a deep breath*

*sits down and leans against tree*

*pulls out book*


exsequeverus March 29 2007, 21:50:48 UTC
Ok, Roy--quiz time! How many refs are in there? (eg)

(is trundling over to the lake with a bag of bread, a rubber ball, and a juice-box of iced tea)

(freezes when he sees Pettigrew, with an undecipherable expression that doesn't quite fit the face)

(wipes it off and scampers around for a few minutes, playing with the ball, eventually stopping uncertainly in Peter's light)


subvrsvwhiskers March 29 2007, 22:00:17 UTC
Umm...10? Hehe. I really like the bit about moving elements around in a circle. Because, you know, all is one. And? The building at the bottom looks like Central. :p

*looks up and smiles when he realizes it's just a boy*

Hello there then, run away from your folks?


exsequeverus March 29 2007, 22:11:56 UTC
Heh, nah, just four. ^,^ Well, unless you count 'human transformation' as a theme...
Yeah, I was looking for something to use (well, as you know), and then I found that, and it was just... perfect! Because all is one! But the building's just from a photo of St. James' someone put on Google.

(jumps when he's spoken to and drops the ball)

(runs after it a few steps and falls on it to stop it rolling)

(Grins at Peter, still on the ball, obviously sugar-high, and points somewhere blocked away from view)

(speaks with one of those careful light-as-air accents developed over long hours listening to bootleg tapes of Winston Churchill)
My parents? We are have picnic! But it was sit.
(holds up bag of squished, becrumbed bread with an important, excited expression)
I am feed birds!


blackdasphodele March 30 2007, 00:58:58 UTC
*lays down her fork as she finishes lunch and glances to Severus*
How is your work coming? Rodolphus mentioned you were helping him with something.


exsequeverus March 30 2007, 01:04:33 UTC
(nods, putting his own down with an air of giving up)
Yes--he's coming by a bit later.


blackdasphodele March 30 2007, 01:09:11 UTC
*nods absently and takes a final sip of her water*
Will you still have time today for me?


exsequeverus March 30 2007, 01:14:15 UTC
Of course! He isn't coming until one, anyway, and I've staggered my brewery schedule so it shouldn't bleed into after supper.
Of course, it helps that that bl--extraordinarily finicky hormone regulator blew up for an easily identifiable reason today.


nex_colubra March 30 2007, 01:23:06 UTC

Good afternoon Severus.

*glances around the room*

You've been keeping well?

Love the new date! Income Tax Day! Whee!


exsequeverus March 30 2007, 01:37:29 UTC
(Inclines his head)
Rodolphus. Quite well, thank you, although I may not be able to say the same for my 'laboratoy assistant' after very long... And you?

(gestures to a cabinet, mouth pulling up as Rodolphus looks around)
The mortar's put away. Second shelf from the top. I'm glad you stopped by; I had meant to ask if it needed any special upkeep.

Oh, man, it is, too! Tax day on Easter, that's not nice...


nex_colubra March 30 2007, 01:53:11 UTC
*snorts and peers into various bottles and jars, careful not to touch, wrinkling his nose at a particularly acrid solution*

*absently, eyes going to the shelf*

I'm doing well.

I'm always happy to stop by and see if you've invented a hangover cure. Have you, by the way?

*reaches up for it*

It doesn't usually, but may I take a look?

If it's on Easter though, we get an extra day! Not that it helps, but the IRS likes to yank us around as much as they can!


exsequeverus March 30 2007, 02:06:11 UTC
(mouth quirks as Rodolphus nearly takes several years off his nose)
I'm glad.

A cure? No. But I can write you out a scrip that should reduce the symptoms considerably, if you can bear to take it.

Please do. I can see it's going to be very useful, when I get the hang of it; I prepared some dried hensbane in it and... well, I'm down a cauldron now.


batbogey_hex March 30 2007, 01:27:31 UTC
No idea what Ginny would comment on here, but I wanted to say that this is fantastic. It's so well done! And! FMA references! XD


exsequeverus March 30 2007, 01:40:19 UTC
Eee, thank you! And you got them! Waaai! I didn't expect anyone but Peter's typist would! ^,^


batbogey_hex March 30 2007, 01:50:42 UTC
*giggles* My sister is ridiculously fond of the series and pulled me in with her. ;)


exsequeverus March 30 2007, 02:07:30 UTC
It's a fantastic series. Too good to suck me in as a hardcore fan, but for quality it's up there with Utena, and is much more accessible!


the_pureblooded March 30 2007, 03:20:47 UTC
I like the afro. Was that a look you considered?



exsequeverus March 30 2007, 03:34:12 UTC
Wistfully, but not for myself.


the_pureblooded March 30 2007, 03:44:13 UTC
Surely not for my father?

*sticks a finger down his throat at the thought*


exsequeverus March 30 2007, 03:49:04 UTC
Certainly not! And don't even ask if it was for your mother.


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