Narcissa Malfoy, 05 May 1997, Pensieve Memory

Mar 30, 2007 21:14

Name: Narcissa Malfoy
Date: 05 May 1997
Format: Pensieve memory
Relevance: This memory details H. Potter's attack on D. Malfoy, the plot to murder A. Dumbledore, the relationship between N. Malfoy and S. Snape as well as their knowledge of/involvement in the aforementioned plot, and N. Malfoy's mental state prior to full escalation of the war.

As the memory solidifies, you find yourself standing in the hospital wing at Hogwarts. Draco Malfoy is being tended to by an anxious and harried looking Madam Pomfrey. Her face contorted in rage, Narcissa Malfoy rises from his bedside and storms out of the hospital wing. You follow her through the castle, students scattering in her wake. clearly, she either doesn't see them or doesn't care.

She turns a corner and draws her wand, conjuring a large wall directly in the path of Severus Snape, who is moving with equal speed towards the entrance to the Headmaster's office.

He and his wand whip to face her with a snarled "Protego!" and he menaces, "No magic in the ha--… Mrs Malfoy."

Her wand raises again, level and direct on Snape. She glares at him, eyes flashing angrily. "Severus."

Snape lowers his wand warily but keeping his eyes on hers, then he snarls at their audience of fascinated students, "You have somewhere else to be. FIND IT!"

After a moment of frozen pause, the students scramble for the exits. Although Narcissa doesn't react to them, her wand gradually drops to her side.

"I have business," he says in dire tones, "with the Headmaster, Narcissa. I don't suppose you'd be willing to wait in my office."

Narcissa's shoulders square, and her voice is sharp and clipped. "I will wait for no one. And unless you speak with me now there will be even more dire circumstances for you to try to slither your way out of, Severus Octavian Snape."

After a yearning glance at the gargoyles, he resigns. "Then I'll accompany you. We'll speak there."

Narcissa sneers at him, her face twisting. "Afraid to be shown at fault, Severus?

"My office, Narcissa." He indicates the way with a slight, formal bow, his spell still solidly in place.

She scowls derisively at the shield and turns abruptly on her heel and stalks to his office, heedless of the students around her and bodily pushing past one older Hufflepuff who doesn't move out of her way fast enough. After a final, stoic glare at Dumbledore's gargoyles, Snape strides after her, motioning the Hufflepuff and his indignation away with a curt gesture. As they descend into the dungeons, he strides past Narcissa, both of their bodies taut with barely suppressed anger. He raps out his password, ducking inside his office and out of the way--just barely in time to avoid being bulldozed by Narcissa.

As soon as she enters his office, she rounds on him immediately with a raised wand. "Where the hell were you?"

Snape shuts the door quickly and glances at the wand before his cold gaze meets Narcissa's. "In class."

"You put those slackjawed idiots over the life of my son, Severus. That is inexcusable."

"Your confidence in my omniscience is touching. I came the moment I was aware of a problem."

Narcissa gestures angrily with her wand, the tip sparking dangerously. "I don't want your omniscience. I wanted your protection of the only thing I have. And you failed."

"I have not, and you know I have not because you've already been to see him, and so you know that he will recover and be well. Will you sit?" He gestures to the chairs near the fireplace.

Something seems to break in Narcissa's expression; her eyes widen and brighten, her voice rising to a near screech. "I will not SIT! My son was nearly killed and you want me to sit down? I'm not a doll to be posed to your liking!"

"Then stand," Snape snaps.

"I will!"

"And I know he was; I found him.." He pauses to breathe a moment, white-lipped. "I was on my way to do something about it when you intercepted me."

She quivers with rage, the air nearly sparking with it. "To do what? Tell Dumbledore that Potter failed? Find a way to make sure he kills my son the next time!?!"

Snape stares incredulously at her. "I beg your pardon?"

She jabs him with her wand. "I know whose fucking spell that was, Severus. I know where Potter learned it."

With a look of furious realization, Snape hisses, "You what? Do you really. What happened, Narcissa, Lucius decided it would be amusing to slip another student a dark text? Did you encourage him?" His voice raises with increasing anger. "How did he manage it this time? Slip in at the hols and drop it in the spare books cabinet? It could have gone to anyone, and for God's sake, Potter!"

With a CRACK and a shrieked "How dare you!" Narcissa's handprint is glowing against Snape's white face.

Rather than so much as flinch in shock, Snape inhales slowly, moves inexorably to take her arms and meet her eyes. In a low, solid voice that forbids argument, he says, "Miss Black, you shame your House. Sit down."

Narcissa's shoulders drop as though she were the one stricken, the rage in her eyes falling away with her into desperation, wand clattering to the floor. She struggles faintly in his arms. "No! He's my baby! He's mine! You'll not take him, too!"

Snape breathes quiet relief at the change in her and pulls her too close for her to hit him, her small pale form a dramatic contrast to his black robes. "He's well, Narcissa, I promise. He'll be fine. "

One of his hands drops out of sight, and then he's checking the label of the vial it returns with. "Please. We've misunderstood each other. Drink this, it's calming, and we'll try again. We'll figure out how it happened. He's fine, Narcissa. He's not going anywhere. You can see him again right away, if you like."

She has started to cry as he talks, trembling as he soothes her. Half-muffled by his shoulder, her words gasp, mixed with sobs. "You promised... He's all I have... He's mine. He's mine. You promised to protect him. You promised me... "

Snape holds her close, if stiffly, strokes her hair awkwardly. "I did. And I have. And I will. It's not as bad as you fear, Narcissa, I promise. Even the dead watch over him, here."

Her hands rise again but only to twist into the fabric of his robes, and her sobs begin to quiet under his voice and hands. "I can't lose him. I can't... he's mine... You and him are... are all I have now..."

"You will not be left alone. It must be terrible, waiting by yourself, but you will not be left." He pushes the vial to her hand. "Please, Narcissa, it'll help."

Narcissa nods faintly in agreement, " I... I can't do anything. Just wait… wait…" She takes the vial obediently and drinks from it without even looking to see what it is.

He holds her for a few more moments until the potion's effect shows in the sagging of her body. Easing her into a chair, he sits on its footstool, one hand steady on her wrist. "I can't even imagine, having to wait and wait and worry. Are you back with us, brava?"

Narcissa sighs into the chair, blinking slowly before she smiles very faintly at his question. "Yes, I'm here, Severus. I should apologise?"

Summoning a tea tray, Snape answers wryly, "Either we both should, or neither. Let's say neither. It's been a day. Will you?'

Narcissa nods absently then takes the cup that's handed to her. She murmurs thanks then sips at the softly steaming tea.

"All right. Now that we've established I haven't been teaching Gryffindors assassination magic and none of us slipped Potter my old notes-"

"But it was your spell, Severus. I know it was."

He takes a cup for himself and responds grimly, "It was. And when I find out how he did get his hands on it..."

"He needs to be out of school. Expelled. Arrested."

"That would be lovely," he sighs, looking as longingly into space as he had at the gargoyles. "Never happen. Dammit."

Narcissa scowls a bit. "He'll cover this up, won't he?"

Snape matches her expression, but directs it into his teacup. "Of course he will. Potter's at least as much a weapon as an individual to them. They won't let him out from under their protection. He will not, however, have the leisure to do any more harm this term. It may be enough time."

Narcissa's jaw tightens then she asks quietly, "Will Draco succeed, Severus?

Snape closes his eyes. "I--don't know. He won't... he's shut me out since the Dark Lord called him, Narcissa. He wants to pass this test on his own."

Her head falls forward, and a few silent tears streak down her cheeks. "He's just a baby."

His skeleton of a smile is distinctly unhappy. "Can you imagine what you would have said if anyone had called you a baby at sixteen?"

She frowns again. "But... He's my baby."

Snape nods. "Yes. And he's also a sixteen-year old boy, who's been offered the chance to do an adult's job, and take care of his mother where his father can't."

The memory fades away with Narcissa's single pained, humourless laugh.

1997, narcissa_malfoy, pensieve_memory, severus_snape

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