Sirius Black, Statement, 2 February 1978

Nov 16, 2006 02:59

Name: Sirius Black
Format: Statement
Date: 2 February 1978
Relevance: Official account of Death Eater - Order Member conflict.

     James Potter and I had left the Leaky Cauldron just before half past eight in the evening. Upon stopping for a chat and a quick smoke on the corner, a person we would later determine to be Algernon Crabbe approached us unexpectedly in a highly aggressive manner, firing an Avada Kedavra with no warning. Luckily, the curse was badly aimed, but Crabbe then charged at James in what appeared to be a fit of insane rage.
     I was unable to get a clear shot at him and there was a brief struggle in which James managed to disarm Crabbe, but he then pushed James backwards with enough violence that James took a sharp blow to the head against the bricks of a nearby wall. This apparently knocked him unconscious.
     Concerned for James’ continued safety, I started towards him, wand ready, only to have it knocked from my hand as Crabbe turned on me, using his massive weight to throw me down and pin me against the ground. He then attempted to strangle me with his bare hands before I had a chance to react.
     Unable to free myself from his grip and quickly losing consciousness, I was relieved to see James, obviously shaken, taking hold of Crabbe about the shoulders in an attempt to free me. This proving unsuccessful, he moved to cut off Crabbe’s air by putting both hands around his throat. This tactic also being unsuccessful, James pulled back harder and in that moment there was a sharp popping noise. Almost immediately, Crabbe’s hands loosened and he slumped on top of me - a few moments more and my throat would most assuredly have been crushed. With James’ assistance, I rolled him off of me and we soon discovered that Crabbe’s neck was broken.
     As I worked to gain my breath back, James made every attempt to rouse Crabbe, but he was unable to do so. James then left me with Crabbe’s body in order to fetch the authorities via the floo of a neighbouring shop.
     Upon the arrival of the responding officers, James and I surrendered our wands for immediate examination.

So signed,

statement, 1978, sirius_black

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