James Potter, Statement, February 2nd 1978

Nov 15, 2006 22:15

Name: James Potter
Format: Statement
Date: February 2nd 1978
Relevance: Official account of Death Eater - Order Member conflict.

It was after 8, approximately half-past. Sirius Black and I had been to the Leaky Cauldron and had stopped to talk on the way home.

Algernon Crabbe came at us from one of the alleys. He tried to ambush us, throwing a Killing Curse that we both luckily managed to avoid. I was able to disarm him but he rushed me, and slammed me into the wall.

I must have lost consciousness for a few minutes because the next thing I remember was Sirius was on the ground and Crabbe had his hands about his throat. I tried to pull him off but I must have pulled too hard. I heard something crack and then Crabbe went limp. I tried to revive him but there was nothing I could do. His neck was broken.

I checked Sirius was alright, and then I went to one of the shops and banged on the door until they let me in. I then Flooed for the Wizarding Law Enforcement officers.

statement, 1978, james_potter

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