Hetalia Kink meme part 15

Jun 03, 2012 14:47

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 15



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Comments 8618

Rome/Germania -- Goats hetalia_kink October 16 2010, 00:10:48 UTC
(This is a model request. Please follow this format when requesting yourself: Pairing/character(s) and kink/prompt in subject line, BRIEF elaboration in message -- stay under 200 words and 3 bonuses. Historical background or definition of words, which can be removed without changing the prompt itself, won't count toward the limit.)

I'm requesting something humorous involving the above. Doesn't have to have smut, but smut would be nice.


Austria, Military crack anonymous October 16 2010, 00:25:29 UTC
In 1788, one of the most stupid events in military history took place: the Battle of Karansebes. Basically the Austrian army got drunk and started shooting each other. And then trampled over their fellow soldiers while escaping from the imaginary Turkish army. Which is pretty stupid, if you ask me.

I'd love to see some cracky/humorous take on this. Maybe Prussia laughing his (awesome) ass off? Maybe Turkey remembering the lameness of the Austrian army? I don't know, I just want something funny.

More info here: http://www.cracked.com/article_17123_5-most-retarded-wars-ever-fought.html Check #3.


Re: Austria, Military crack anonymous October 16 2010, 15:01:25 UTC


Re: Austria, Military crack anonymous October 21 2010, 18:35:32 UTC
Thirded to the moon and back! *cries tears of joy*


Re: Austria, Military crack anonymous October 23 2010, 20:49:36 UTC
Link doesn't work OP. :(


Netherlands/Iceland - molestation anonymous October 16 2010, 00:29:53 UTC
Request somewhat based on this fancomic: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=big&illust_id=12114722

The Netherlands (and the UK) lost a lot of money when the banks in Iceland collapsed.

The other Nordics notice something odd - when England harasses Iceland about the money, they'll usually just end up bitching at one another until someone storms off/hangs up - but when the Netherlands does it, Iceland is utterly petrified, avoids him as much as possible, won't talk to him without other people around, etc., and gets increasingly upset/clingy/paranoid as it continues. This baffling behavior sparks off a Great Nordic Investigation, which eventually succeeds in making him talk ( ... )


And Such Are The Consequences 1/? anonymous October 24 2010, 18:22:12 UTC
Iceland has a beautiful vision in his head. It involves an English monastery, a longship full of angry Vikings, and quite a number of very sharp spears ( ... )


And Such Are The Consequences 1b/? anonymous October 24 2010, 18:24:25 UTC
“How did those damned Vikings come across such a precious little thing like you?”

This was close, much too close. “Are you sure… are you sure this is something that all big countries do?”

An impatient wave of the hand. “Of course. Better trading ties, and all that.”

It didn’t make much sense-he had never seen Norway or Denmark do something like this, and they were great at trading. Had he not been paying attention?

Fingers stroked through his hair, sending uncomfortable shivers racing down his spine. “Your hair is beautiful. You should grow it long. Then it would be even more beautiful,” the voice whispered in his ear. The hot breath fluttering against cheek made him feel sick.

“You’re so pretty, my precious. So pretty.”


Re: And Such Are The Consequences 1c/? anonymous October 24 2010, 18:27:26 UTC
Iceland feels sick. He swallows and manages to nod evenly at the man now sitting next to England and directly across the table from him.

Netherlands acknowledges the nod with a slight inclination of his head. Then he quickly averts his eyes.

Iceland can’t bring himself to avert his own.

England takes a deep breath and scrubs a hand across his face. His cheeks are still a grotesque shade of burgundy, though now that he’s stopped shouting the color has begun to fade. “I’m glad you’re here, Netherlands. I’ve been trying to talk some sense into Iceland for the past half hour. Maybe you’ll get through to him.”

Netherlands nods slowly. He glares a spot on the table and says “You have to pay me back. I need the money.”

Iceland tries to speak. He knows exactly what he wants to say: ‘I know, but I don’t have the money. It’s not possible. I’m sorry.' But he can’t. The words stir in his throat, and then come apart, crumbling like sugar before they can properly form ( ... )


Denmark/Ireland - Secret of Kells anonymous October 16 2010, 00:38:58 UTC
Anon recently had the great pleasure of watching the movie Secret of Kells. It takes place in ninth century Ireland, revolving around the creation of the Book of Kells, a young boy and a fairy he meets in the forest, all while the threat of the vikings hangs over Ireland.

Naturally this got anon hungering for some Ireland fic during this time period and Denmark/Ireland is a fave rarepair.

So something either based off the film or a fic set during the period of viking raids would be awesome :D (girl!Ireland is preferred, but male is okay).


Re: Denmark/Ireland - Secret of Kells anonymous October 16 2010, 01:37:28 UTC
Seconded with all my Celtic might!

Denmark/fem!Ireland is <3


Re: Denmark/Ireland - Secret of Kells anonymous October 18 2010, 02:26:26 UTC
Double seconding with my Celtic might.

captcha: squarm points


Germany/France - EU husband and wife anonymous October 16 2010, 00:39:36 UTC
Requesting some modern Germany/France! Smut appreciated, but anything else domestic is welcome XD e.g. a couple's spat, making breakfast etc.

Bonus: Calling each other Frankreich and Allemagne


Quiet Mornings (1/3) anonymous October 17 2010, 13:35:13 UTC
Just a little bit of a thing I whipped up. Not a fail?

It was a quiet moment, on a quiet day. One that would never go on the history books.

“Allemagne … what would you like for lunch tomorrow?” There was a soft smile in Francis’ voice as he turned to the counter.

Ludwig did not reply, but he did look up from his paper, through his slim reading glasses, and blush. It had been … going on a couple of years, now, but he was still unused to the sight of Francis (long-limbed, slender Francis) in his kitchen and in his life.

It had taken them so long - so much shattered pride and so many scars - to get to this point. To this quiet kitchen at breakfast time, with Francis in a sensible apron and hair tied back making his lunch. Ludwig put down his coffee and newspaper quietly, giving into this dangerous, smothering urge that was making his heart beat faster.

“Alle-” The rest of Francis’ statement disappeared into the air as he felt Ludwig’s arms snake around his waist and a shy kiss pressed to the back of his neck. Even to Francis, ( ... )


Quiet Mornings (2/3) anonymous October 17 2010, 13:39:28 UTC
As a country, Ludwig was so … young. Francis was his first. But Francis had had so many. How would he react if Ludwig unthinkingly spoke these words? Would he be skittish, awkward, backing away with a strained smile? Or would he laugh, because, after all, he had said the same many, many times and not meant a syllable? Ludwig thought that his heart (although this was both scientifically impossible and overdramatic) might crack if Francis did, and so he swallowed his urge to speak, made up for it with a soft kiss pressed to the nape of Francis’ neck that somehow still didn’t feel like enough ( ... )


Quiet Mornings (3/3) anonymous October 17 2010, 13:41:28 UTC

Ludwig breathed through his nose and gave a particularly hard suck. Anyone else would have been undone at that point, but Francis just gave a dry shiver and another hard tug on Ludwig’s hair.

Panting, Ludwig let the cock fall out of his mouth with a wet pop. Just as immediately, he began pressing sloppy kisses all along Francis’ length, moving to tongue the underside of his erection and suck at his balls. Meanwhile his fingers were pressing against Francis’ twitching pucker, but without lube, all Ludwig could do was to rub against the sensitive skin there, stretching it with slow circles.

He wasn’t Francis’ first. Not even close. Francis had had many other lovers, many who gave head with far more technique and a bit less teeth, but when Ludwig looked up, Francis’ cock sucked deep, his face sweaty and flushed and still wearing those damnable glasses, the blonde Frenchman felt his heart seize with this desperate emotion he had been trying to chase away for so long, but it caught him-

“Alle-…mon Dieu, oh…agnnnnCaught him in the ( ... )


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