Hetalia Kink meme part 15

Jun 03, 2012 14:47

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 15



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Netherlands/Iceland - molestation anonymous October 16 2010, 00:29:53 UTC
Request somewhat based on this fancomic: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=big&illust_id=12114722

The Netherlands (and the UK) lost a lot of money when the banks in Iceland collapsed.

The other Nordics notice something odd - when England harasses Iceland about the money, they'll usually just end up bitching at one another until someone storms off/hangs up - but when the Netherlands does it, Iceland is utterly petrified, avoids him as much as possible, won't talk to him without other people around, etc., and gets increasingly upset/clingy/paranoid as it continues. This baffling behavior sparks off a Great Nordic Investigation, which eventually succeeds in making him talk ( ... )


And Such Are The Consequences 1/? anonymous October 24 2010, 18:22:12 UTC
Iceland has a beautiful vision in his head. It involves an English monastery, a longship full of angry Vikings, and quite a number of very sharp spears ( ... )


And Such Are The Consequences 1b/? anonymous October 24 2010, 18:24:25 UTC
“How did those damned Vikings come across such a precious little thing like you?”

This was close, much too close. “Are you sure… are you sure this is something that all big countries do?”

An impatient wave of the hand. “Of course. Better trading ties, and all that.”

It didn’t make much sense-he had never seen Norway or Denmark do something like this, and they were great at trading. Had he not been paying attention?

Fingers stroked through his hair, sending uncomfortable shivers racing down his spine. “Your hair is beautiful. You should grow it long. Then it would be even more beautiful,” the voice whispered in his ear. The hot breath fluttering against cheek made him feel sick.

“You’re so pretty, my precious. So pretty.”


Re: And Such Are The Consequences 1c/? anonymous October 24 2010, 18:27:26 UTC
Iceland feels sick. He swallows and manages to nod evenly at the man now sitting next to England and directly across the table from him.

Netherlands acknowledges the nod with a slight inclination of his head. Then he quickly averts his eyes.

Iceland can’t bring himself to avert his own.

England takes a deep breath and scrubs a hand across his face. His cheeks are still a grotesque shade of burgundy, though now that he’s stopped shouting the color has begun to fade. “I’m glad you’re here, Netherlands. I’ve been trying to talk some sense into Iceland for the past half hour. Maybe you’ll get through to him.”

Netherlands nods slowly. He glares a spot on the table and says “You have to pay me back. I need the money.”

Iceland tries to speak. He knows exactly what he wants to say: ‘I know, but I don’t have the money. It’s not possible. I’m sorry.' But he can’t. The words stir in his throat, and then come apart, crumbling like sugar before they can properly form ( ... )


Re: And Such Are The Consequences 1c/? anonymous October 24 2010, 18:41:32 UTC
Poor Iceland! I just want to hug him better! Your writing is amazing, anon! Bad Netherlands, bad!


Op here! anonymous October 24 2010, 19:14:45 UTC
and I am totally not opposed to melodrama, if you're inclined to go in that direction. But if you want less angst, I am just fine with that, too!

Holy crap, I love this. I love you. I didn't think anyone was going to fill this but I thought I'd throw it out there anyway. &hearts creepy!Netherlands was appropriately creepy and poor Iceland freaking out was just awesome and there's probably something wrong with me for thinking that. xD


Re: And Such Are The Consequences 1c/? anonymous October 24 2010, 23:05:19 UTC
I love you so much, you have no idea. And this fill. And the prompt.

Overprotective Nordics are pure love, and your inner Iceland voice is absolutely perfect.

And I vote for melodrama!


Re: And Such Are The Consequences 1c/? anonymous October 24 2010, 23:54:37 UTC
Eh... continue please?
*puppy eye* >3


Re: And Such Are The Consequences 1c/? anonymous October 25 2010, 05:50:53 UTC
This is wonderful! The characters are written very well - especially Denmark and Norway, which is impressive considering they've got like two lines each so far - and the description is just lovely. I especially liked that detail about the words crumbling like sugar, it's just so pretty and I don't think I've read anything like that metaphor before. It's a really great start all around, I can't wait to read more! 'specially since i've got a hunch who you are, aha


Re: And Such Are The Consequences 1c/? anonymous October 25 2010, 23:18:38 UTC
Marry me, y/y? so I can lock you in my basement and make you WRITE moarrrr

Loved it, anon c: please update sooooon!


And Such Are The Consequences 2a/? anonymous October 28 2010, 06:39:16 UTC
Wow, thank you so much for all the kind compliments! You guys are awesome. 8D Even you, slightly creepy basement-locking anon. xD ( ... )


Re: And Such Are The Consequences 2b/? anonymous October 28 2010, 06:43:20 UTC
“Aren’t you a pretty little one ( ... )


OP anonymous October 28 2010, 07:17:01 UTC
I love it when I stay up until three a.m. and awesome things like this happen.

Oh, Iceland... *hugs* Poor kid.

In a weird, twisted kind of way, I almost feel a little bad for Netherlands - he knows damn well he fucked up and he's going to DIE when the others find out... of course, he deserves it, so... xD okay, I need to go to bed now.


Author!anon anonymous October 29 2010, 06:23:29 UTC
Yayyy, I'm glad you like it so far, OP! ^^

Three a.m. kink meme-ing is the best. 8D


Re: And Such Are The Consequences 2b/? anonymous October 28 2010, 19:02:42 UTC
Ooooh some sympathetic vibes for Netherlands?? Does this mean this is going to be a fucked-up trainwreck where we get to feel bad for everyone involved, even our supposed "bad guy"? Because I dearly, dearly hope so!


Author!anon anonymous October 29 2010, 06:24:59 UTC
Errr, yes, I may be attempting for some degree of fucked-up trainwreck-ocity.... ehehe.


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