Hetalia Kink meme part 15

Jun 03, 2012 14:47

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 15



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Quiet Mornings (3/3) anonymous October 17 2010, 13:41:28 UTC

Ludwig breathed through his nose and gave a particularly hard suck. Anyone else would have been undone at that point, but Francis just gave a dry shiver and another hard tug on Ludwig’s hair.

Panting, Ludwig let the cock fall out of his mouth with a wet pop. Just as immediately, he began pressing sloppy kisses all along Francis’ length, moving to tongue the underside of his erection and suck at his balls. Meanwhile his fingers were pressing against Francis’ twitching pucker, but without lube, all Ludwig could do was to rub against the sensitive skin there, stretching it with slow circles.

He wasn’t Francis’ first. Not even close. Francis had had many other lovers, many who gave head with far more technique and a bit less teeth, but when Ludwig looked up, Francis’ cock sucked deep, his face sweaty and flushed and still wearing those damnable glasses, the blonde Frenchman felt his heart seize with this desperate emotion he had been trying to chase away for so long, but it caught him-

“Alle-…mon Dieu, oh…agnnnn…”

Caught him in the curve of Ludwig’s rare smile. Caught him in the way his hair sprung upwards - shaggy and so deliciously out of place - in the mornings. Caught him in every touch and look and unspoken word and beat of his heart which Francis knew matched his own.

“ Je t'aime, l'Allemagne, Je t'aime,” It came out as almost a whisper, given in a voice so raw it hurt to listen to it.

Ludwig startled, almost choked, but at the last minute remembered to open his throat as cum spurted into his mouth, flooding him with the scent, the taste of Francis. Ludwig sucked softly until his blonde lover was dry, and then gently cleaned the softening cock with his tongue.

Francis was trembling, gripping on the counter for purchase, a hard blush on his face, his eyes closed. When Ludwig arose shakily, wiping his mouth with his fingers, Francis turned to look at him.

They just stared for a moment, quiet.

“You said my name,”

“I meant it.” Francis gave a small, sad twitch of his lips. “Désolé, does this unsettle you?”

Ludwig didn’t speak, didn’t want to believe in case it wasn’t true after all, so all he did was move to take Francis in his arms, mouth too jumbled to make sense of what his brain was screaming-

“Ich…” A soft exhale. “Ich liebe dich.” A sharp inhale, uncertain. “Frankreich.”

And there it was. After all the treaties and the wars, the paperwork and the partnerships, moving in together, sharing a bed and a home and a life …

In a quiet moment on a quiet day.

Later, as they were tangled in bedsheets and cooling sweat:

“Je t'aime, ma charmante épouse.” Francis murmured sleepily, pressing a kiss to Ludwig's temple.

“Wife?!” Ludwig shot out of the covers, much to Francis’ amusement. “But you’re the one who wears the … the apron!” He sputtered unconvincingly.

“I assert my duties in bed, non?” France leered, drawing lazy circles on the side of Ludwig’s thigh. “Or don’t you remember why I had to make breakfast this morning…perhaps because you couldn’t stand straight…”

Ludwig merely groaned and sank back into the bedcovers beside Francis’ warmth. That was only true some of the time. Other times he stood just fine thank you very much.


Not OP but <333 anonymous October 17 2010, 16:47:33 UTC
Oh my god, authoranon, THANK YOU so much for this. I have been craving some France/Germany fluff so much lately I can't even tell you, and this is just delightful. A little smut, a little UST, a delightful affirmation and a little fond humor at the end. Just what I needed. <3


Re: Quiet Mornings (3/3) anonymous October 17 2010, 17:38:26 UTC
Ahhh, so hot and sweet and beautiful. Thank you anon, you're awesome. I really need some France/Germany in my life now ^^!


Re: Quiet Mornings (3/3) anonymous October 17 2010, 20:11:31 UTC
I lol'ed at the twist, didn't see that coming! But bottom!Germany is always a treat

Love this fluffy couple, this meme needs more of them!


OP anonymous October 17 2010, 23:23:23 UTC
eee authoranon this is just what I was looking for! I love the twist, I do. And Germany wearing his glasses and with his hair out of place was just such an image /squeals

There were mentions of everything in here, and jsut the right balance of fluff! Thank you so much!


Re: Quiet Mornings (3/3) anonymous October 17 2010, 23:27:08 UTC
ily so much, author!anon.
this was just so sweet--gah. lovelovelove.


Re: Quiet Mornings (3/3) anonymous October 18 2010, 00:07:04 UTC
I will never have enough of this pairing. And you wrote it wonderfully, author anon, France's intensity and affectionate nature all in the open to see, but also Germany's quieter, less assured but fierce adoration too. I actually loved the fact that this was from his pov, so we got a full blast of his love for Francis, and seeing Ludwig giving head is rare enough, never seen it for this pairing...and god, I think I love it. I also totally buy into his kink for ponytail!France, yum

There's something extremely romantic and intimate about seeing them confess in their own language ♥

and yes, France tops :D


Re: Quiet Mornings (3/3) anonymous October 18 2010, 04:22:48 UTC
This made my heart break in a delicious, much needed, and, albeit, a scientifically impossible way, anon.

Thank you for cheering me up, making me smile, and understand love just a tiny bit better. <3


Re: Quiet Mornings (3/3) anonymous October 18 2010, 20:31:18 UTC
og god this was soo sweet! I was squealing really hard at some parts.

<33333 thank you


Re: Quiet Mornings (3/3) anonymous October 18 2010, 21:11:19 UTC

I don't even know why I like France/Germany so much. It's one of those pairings that just snuck up on me (like surprise buttsecks C:), and now i'm in love with it.

Historical basis, I guess? I can see them like this, or as really good friends.


Re: Quiet Mornings (3/3) anonymous October 23 2010, 07:03:43 UTC
.....and after all that World War aggression, THIS happens.

it's so... perfect adslkfjdsalkgj i don't even...

/still squealing



Re: Quiet Mornings (3/3) anonymous October 23 2010, 14:26:43 UTC
So lovely!!! I would love to see more Germany/France fills in this meme.


Re: Quiet Mornings (3/3) anonymous November 19 2010, 01:43:49 UTC
Oh mai....
-extremely ear-piercing fangirl squeal-
Thank you so much for writing this!
My first Germany/Fance fic..and Ahhh I'm in love with this pairing now :D

Awesome job!


Re: Quiet Mornings (3/3) anonymous November 19 2010, 15:12:49 UTC
I have to agree.Usually this anon ships Germany with Italy and France with England,but this was really hot.


Re: Quiet Mornings (3/3) anonymous November 20 2010, 23:47:42 UTC
Totally hot author anon.


Re: Quiet Mornings (3/3) anonymous November 20 2010, 23:52:20 UTC
You know how to make a crack pairing work


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