Hetalia Kink meme part 14 -- CLOSED

Jun 03, 2012 14:46

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 14



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Comments 8950

Rome/Germania -- Goats hetalia_kink July 24 2010, 04:01:07 UTC
(This is a model request. Please follow this format when requesting yourself: Pairing/character(s) and kink/prompt in subject line, BRIEF elaboration in message -- stay under 200 words and 3 bonuses. Historical background or definition of words, which can be removed without changing the prompt itself, won't count toward the limit.)

I'm requesting something humorous involving the above. Doesn't have to have smut, but smut would be nice.


Russia/Prussia/England - Threesome anonymous August 15 2010, 01:37:12 UTC
During the Napoleonic wars, three nations consumating their alliance against France.

Any other kinks anon would like to throw in are fine, like bondage, bloodplay, genderswitch etc.


He only wants us for our infantry... [1/3?] anonymous August 30 2010, 16:46:13 UTC
History notes coming at the end of the fill.

“How many Coalitions is it now?” asked Prussia, lying on his back-- in his boots-- on England's bed. England's eyebrows twitched.

“Six,” he said, glaring stonily.

“Holy shit, man, that's a lot of Coalitions.” England breathed in and out, slowly, and found himself wondering if he really needed the other nation's help. Torgau, said .part of his mind. Jena. Auerstedt, said the other. He inhaled and exhaled again. Either way, said the most pragmatic part of his personality, he needed all the help he could get. Even if that help came in the form of-- “Seriously, what have you been doing all this time? Hasn't it been like, a decade?”

“Two,” said Russia, smiling sweetly.

England glared at the two of them. “You,” he said, gesturing at Prussia, “have fought for nineteen days in the last fifteen years. And you,” he said, turning to Russia. “Don't even get me started on you. If you had have joined us back in '93, we wouldn't even be in this situation ( ... )


Re: He only wants us for our infantry... [1/3?] anonymous August 30 2010, 17:04:45 UTC
Pffffffffffft. I was not expecting quirky humor when I clicked on this, anon; in fact, I wasn't expecting to laugh at all, much less sporfle my way through this, and that's kind of a welcome surprise. <3 And damn, why did I never think of this threesome? :D

Mother Russia jokes are never not funny. XD


OP anonymous August 30 2010, 18:26:49 UTC
I have to agree with first anon, the quirky humour was a welcome surprise! Poor England, so exasperated, Prussia such a pain and Russia so... Russia XD Awesome stuff!


Prussia/Canada; -- crazy misunderstandings anonymous August 15 2010, 01:49:45 UTC
AU where Matthew Kirkland-Bonnefoy is dating a certain Dr. Gilbert. The problem? he's not telling his family anytime soon and angst and crazy miscommunication happens

bonus1: they think matt is totally dying because he keeps going to doctor visits and all the rough sex is making him hella tired and not his usual self; plus Dr. Gil keeps forgetting his medicine with Matt adding to the chaos

bonus2: angsty and protective brother Alfred

bonus 3: they think it's some form of cancer like lukemia or something
basically crack, fluff and angst please. smut is not optional but appeciated


anonymous August 20 2010, 18:27:50 UTC
anonymous September 29 2010, 05:59:07 UTC
FILL PART 1 anonymous September 29 2010, 07:18:23 UTC
Hey, this is the first APH fic I've ever done, so I'm sorry if it sucks. Someone else should fill this with some GilMatt lovin~ I'm sorry in advance if I did something wrong with French.


Matthew walked into his usually obnoxious home to find it quiet, eerily so actually. It should have bothered him more than it did, but alas he was warn out from meeting with his doctor for an…examination of sorts. His lower back and ass were kind of sore, and the only thing on Matthew’s mind was hitting the hay. So when he walked into his dining room to finding his father(s) and brother assembled at the dining room table not acting completely bat shit for once, although Al was doodling on something again…wait is that a Maple Leave’s jersey and a sharpie? Bitch is gonna get it. Well, to say the least Matthew was confused and reading to beat down a certain hero.

“Hey Mattie, dads’ are worried about you.”

Oh great, Mr. High-and-mighty-hero, thank you for that stunningly thoughtful comment. “Matthew, listen. You’ve been spending more, ( ... )


Russia/America -- Corset Sex; anonymous August 15 2010, 01:50:16 UTC
... With Alfred in the corset.

1.) The corset is leather.
2.) Tightening of the corset as Russia approaches climax.
3.) TOTALLY CONSENSUAL SEX with references to a normally vanilla relationship.

ReCaptcha: "eceldems do" Err... do what, captcha? Have kinky corset sex? e_e

And yes, I'm aware I'm going to hell.


Ptichka 1/? anonymous September 9 2010, 01:06:33 UTC
“I’m not wearing that.”


“No.” Alfred crossed his arms over his chest and glared at the outfit his partner had placed on the bed. Leather. It was fucking leather. “There is no way in hell that I am going to wear that-- that thing.”

Ivan tilted his head to the side in- what America assumed was supposed to be- an endearing way, and frowned ever-so-slightly. “But, America, it matches your eyes.”

“How is that a good reason?”

“I went through so much trouble to get it for you,” he drawled, running a hand slowly down the front of the corset. “It is surprisingly hard to find someone that will make them custom.”

“Well, I hope you saved the damn receipt,” Alfred mumbled. God, Russia’s hands looked so deliciously sinf- he dropped the thought and averted his eyes.

Ivan’s fingers caught on the blue, silken pattern that was etched so delicately into the leather. “Alfred,” he purred dangerously, “I did not. Are you so wasteful as to have me throw all the nice things I bought for you, out?”

‘There’s more!? What the hell does he do ( ... )


Re: Ptichka 1/? anonymous September 9 2010, 02:37:54 UTC
I knew Russia was evil, but damn. Please write more, anon!

recaptcha: justification
Yes captcha. Alfred has a justification for wearing a corset now. *squeals with joy*


Re: Ptichka 1/? anonymous September 9 2010, 03:19:28 UTC
I am so excited. Wow, your Russia is pretty awesome so far, I can't wait to see him in the next chapter. Good start anon!


Spain, Uses Voice to work Phone services anonymous August 15 2010, 02:01:11 UTC
Spain's english dub voice is one of the sexiest ever...so let's see him putting it to good use! Preferably a sex line, but he could also work a suicide hotline, because c'mon, who wants to die when that voice is encouraging you?

Bonus: He takes calls in the middle of world meetings

Another nation is one of his callers.


anonymous September 20 2010, 00:14:24 UTC
Ring Ring [1/1] anonymous October 29 2010, 04:15:58 UTC
Sorry I took so long, lol! And second filler - I'm sorry I made you wait so long to do yours ; ;
fem!Romano, because I lurve her :'D
hope OP likes :)


Spain was an eccentric guy, and everyone knew it. He kind of flopped around with a stupid grin, never really angry or irritated at anyone unless someone brought up the Armada - or how good a lay Romano had been, that tended to piss Spain off too.

But of course, "piss Spain off" was pretty damn scary, which was why the lack of pissed-off-Spain moments was greatly appreciated by the rest of the world.

Although a truly, honestly angry Romano was no kid-friendly sight either; the girl, normally a fireball, tripled in scare-factor when she actually meant her cruel words.

Like right now.

She sat next to Spain, arms crossed over her chest and long legs swung up on the table as she - and the rest of the aghast nations - listened to him talk.

"Mmm...you feel so good~!"

Spain's phone had rung a good ten minutes earlier, a loud blaring of MUCHACHA KISS KISS BANG VENGAMOS - ( ... )


Re: Ring Ring [1/1] anonymous October 29 2010, 05:26:47 UTC
Not gonna lie, the mental image of Spain doodling and completely composed, all the while having phonesex, is hilarious.


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