Hetalia Kink meme part 14 -- CLOSED

Jun 03, 2012 14:46

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 14



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Ring Ring [1/1] anonymous October 29 2010, 04:15:58 UTC
Sorry I took so long, lol! And second filler - I'm sorry I made you wait so long to do yours ; ;
fem!Romano, because I lurve her :'D
hope OP likes :)


Spain was an eccentric guy, and everyone knew it. He kind of flopped around with a stupid grin, never really angry or irritated at anyone unless someone brought up the Armada - or how good a lay Romano had been, that tended to piss Spain off too.

But of course, "piss Spain off" was pretty damn scary, which was why the lack of pissed-off-Spain moments was greatly appreciated by the rest of the world.

Although a truly, honestly angry Romano was no kid-friendly sight either; the girl, normally a fireball, tripled in scare-factor when she actually meant her cruel words.

Like right now.

She sat next to Spain, arms crossed over her chest and long legs swung up on the table as she - and the rest of the aghast nations - listened to him talk.

"Mmm...you feel so good~!"

Spain's phone had rung a good ten minutes earlier, a loud blaring of MUCHACHA KISS KISS BANG VENGAMOS - affectively hushing the bickering France and England as Spain whipped out his phone and spent a couple seconds trying to answer the call before Romano groaned, grabbed it, and hit the ANSWER button. He grinned happily and held the phone to his ear.

Romano noticed that Germany was twitching - Spain dared accept a call during a meeting?! - and looked about to blow a fuse when, to the horror and arousal of nearly all present nations, Spain purred into the phone,

"Ohh~? Is that it?" in a tone husky and rather unbecoming when juxtaposed to his bright, cheerful, completely unaffected grin.

It wasn't even a lewd grin, really - just his normal stupid one.

Whatever the case, Romano still lunged across the table and clapped her hands over Veneziano's ears, determined to keep her brother's innocent ears intact. He looked at her, amber eyes questioning, and she resisted the urge to facepalm - because that would let him hear Spain.

The Spaniard's conversation steadily slipped deeper and deeper into vulgarity until Spain was groaning, soft and completely believable, despite the serene look on his face and glaring lack of erection. France and Prussia were cracking up - "Oi, Spain, since when have you even known how to fuck a girl? -cackle-" - the whole time, although all the others were frozen in silence. He made gasps and breathy moans at the appropriate time, even though he was still smiling, bubbly as ever, and doodling tomatoes on his notes as he held the phone between his shoulder and ear.

A few minutes passed; Romano could feel cramps in her hands and Veneziano had fallen asleep with her covering his ears, but he might wake up so she kept her hands clamped in place. For good, too, she thought as Spain gasped again, loud and wanton and resonating through the awkwardly-silent room. The Italian girl instinctively clenched her thighs, disliking the wet feel between them - but it wasn't her fault, dammit! Spain just had an unnaturally sexy voice, stop judging! - as she realised his loud moan to have been an "orgasm".

Still doodling on his papers, the Spaniard sighed softly, as though riding out a really hard come, before his voice suddenly perked up and he beamed, "Okay, that'll be 80$! You know how to pay, right?"

Romano facepalmed (and let go of Veneziano, who blinked in confusion as to what had happened in the ten minutes she'd been covering his ears) and so did everyone else.

Before all the men "coincidentally" scraped their folders into their laps. Yeah. Romano - and all the other girls, for that matter - crossed their legs uncomfortably, and everyone waited for someone else to start the meeting.

America burst in right after, a large soda in one hand and folders in the other. He was grinning merrily as he slammed his papers down.

"The Hero is here, so now we can talk about GIANT ROBOTS!"

Romano noticed the discreet smirk he shot at Spain.

Spain smiled back in a jolly manner, amiable as ever.

And how, again, did he manage to work for a sex line?

Actually, Romano didn't even want to know.


sorry, fail fill ; ; but I hope OP liked? c:


Re: Ring Ring [1/1] anonymous October 29 2010, 05:26:47 UTC
Not gonna lie, the mental image of Spain doodling and completely composed, all the while having phonesex, is hilarious.


Re: Ring Ring [1/1] anonymous October 29 2010, 13:18:12 UTC
Randomanon completely agrees.

Lovely piece of work Author!Anon, had me giggling aloud at Romano and Feli's interactions.

And Spain's voice is totally that sexy, haha.


authornonnnnnnn anonymous October 29 2010, 21:38:16 UTC
Thanks! :DDD

I'm glad you liked it c:


Re: Ring Ring [1/1] anonymous October 29 2010, 17:41:27 UTC
That is exactly what this anon found most amusingXDXDXD (especially the little detail of doodling tomatos while doing itXD)

and what was up with America at the end??!!


Re: Ring Ring [1/1] anonymous October 29 2010, 21:39:16 UTC
Spain's an idiot, I doubt he'd be affected by the nature of the conversation :'DDDD



authornon c: anonymous October 29 2010, 21:37:23 UTC
He doesn't come off to me as the kind of person to really realise the shit he's doing :'D thank you!


OP Here anonymous October 29 2010, 11:32:00 UTC
Hahaha...that was awesome! A lot funnier than I expected, and I agree with the anon above me about how Spain staying so calm and composed during a sex call is pretty dang funny!
Haha...it was America...that kind of figures...
But my favorite bit is how he turned on everyone nearly simultaneously! That's a craft


authornon grins happily anonymous October 29 2010, 21:42:15 UTC
Thank you! I'm really glad you liked it (and sorry for the epic wait, lol). And, again, Spain's too thick to get a boner at a few extremely arousing moans from USAAAA!
Sorry! I didn't know if you'd like that or not, it was just that he's always late to those meetings and I thought he might be the best option :( maybe I should've asked which pairing you liked...;3;



OP anonymous October 29 2010, 22:37:13 UTC
I liked that it was America! Also, pairing didn't even matter to me because the point is Spain is sexy to ANYONE and EVERYONE!


authornon :D anonymous October 30 2010, 02:44:55 UTC
Oh! Oh, thank heavens :') I was worried!



Re: Ring Ring [1/1] anonymous October 29 2010, 22:36:10 UTC
This gave me outrageously funny mental pictures, but ironically enough, America was the best part of this fill. XDDD Awesome job, anon. <3

I want more of that pairing so fucking bad. Does America/Spain/America even exist? Anywhere? ... That's not underage? :'D


Re: Ring Ring [1/1] anonymous October 30 2010, 02:48:25 UTC
Thank you! :DDDD I'm glad you liked it :)

l'hoho, there's some kinky art on pixiv under the tag タ ピオカックン and then some stuff on zerochan.net, probably...but I prefer pixiv because people post lots of pr0n there /shot


Re: Ring Ring [1/1] anonymous October 30 2010, 03:08:48 UTC

Holy shit, that's the scariest pairing name I've ever seen; I never would have guessed that one! XD Thanks! I prefer Pixiv for the same reason, actually!

... Suddenly I just imagined America's awesomely fail courtship of Spain.


Re: Ring Ring [1/1] anonymous October 30 2010, 07:12:49 UTC
<3 <3

I know, right? ; ; t-these names...orz I use that quietfairytales-something-or-other site for them all, because I simply can't remember :'D

OBBY. /shot


Re: Ring Ring [1/1] anonymous October 30 2010, 01:18:33 UTC
Not fail at all. While I'm still howling in laughter at the image of Spain talking and moaning in an utterly filthy, arousing manner while remaining idiotically happy and doodling of all things, I'm stuck on one particular line.

or how good a lay Romano had been, that tended to piss Spain off too.

I'm guessing the temperature in the room promptly drops a couple of degrees.


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