"dreams in dreams (then i'll be there with you)" by synecdoche (PG)

Feb 25, 2012 07:59

Fandom Category: Life on Mars
Pairing: Annie Cartwright/Sam Tyler
Fic Title: dreams in dreams (then i'll be there with you)
Author: synecdoche
Link: http://synecdoche.livejournal.com/273466.html
Rating/Warning(s): PG
Genre: Angst, Character Study
WIP?: no
Special Rec: 25 of 34

Why This Must Be Read: The boyfriend and I just finished watching Life on Mars for the first time (I know!) and when I went looking for fics about Annie, I was a little surprised at the scarcity. Thankfully, this lovely, dreamy little fic is pretty much perfect, nailing Annie's voice, her work, and her odd relationship with Sam Tyler.

fandom: life on mars, ship: annie cartwright/sam tyler, special reccer: blithers

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