"Between" by ThreeJays

Feb 24, 2012 22:11

Fandom Category: Vampire Diaries
Pairing: Damon Salvatore/Elena Gilbert
Fic Title: Between
Author: ThreeJays
Link:  ff.net
Rating/Warning(s): M
Genre: Angst
WIP?: complete (sequel possible)

Why This Must Be Read: Maybe it's her words. Maybe it's just the satin feel of her fingers against my jaw or the anguish in her eyes. Whatever it is, it's darker than magic and hotter than the sun.

According to the author, this story features Elena/Stefan in theory, but Elena/Damon in action.  This fic is fantastic - the writing is awesome and her Damon POV is pitch-perfect.  This story is angsty, bitter, hot and angry, and just what I wanted to read after the last several episodes.  Truly excellent.

ship: elena gilbert/damon salvatore, fandom: vampire diaries

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