"Double Twist of Fate Or a Melody" by Thistlerose (Teen and Up)

Mar 14, 2011 15:20

Fandom Category: Star Wars (original trilogy)
Pairing: Princess Leia Organa / Captain Han Solo
Fic Title: Double Twist of Fate Or a Melody
Author: Thistlerose
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/96315
Rating/Warning(s): Teen and Up
WIP?: No.

Why This Must Be Read: The author's summary, "A sketch of their relationship, post-Jedi," captures the gist of this fic perfectly.  It's no more than that, a series of outlines of different aspects of their new lives, but the whole thing is beautifully rendered and so totally in character you can just about hear Carrie Fischer and Harrison Ford speaking the lines.  The image of Leia's impossibly long hair flows throughout the piece, which is a lovely trope, and Thistlerose also finds the clearest characterization of Padmé Amidala I think I've ever read.

Special Rec: 13/35

special reccer: stars_inthe_sky, ship: leia organa/han solo, fandom: star wars

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