"Distractions" by dollsome (PG)

Mar 14, 2011 15:33

Fandom Category: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing: Jenny Calendar / Rupert Giles
Fic Title: Distractions
Author: dollsome 
Link: http://dollsome.livejournal.com/655323.html
Rating/Warning(s): PG, if even
WIP?: No.

Why This Must Be Read: Re-watch the early interactions between Giles and Jenny Calendar (up to "Dark Age") and you'll see what I mean when I say this should be your canon.  dollsome nails vintage Giles, from his vague resentment at dealing with high school students who are not the Slayer to his general distrust of / disdain for all things electronic.  Jenny's voice, too, is just as it should be--overly friendly but not over-sharing, honest and blunt.  Moments like these become all the more precious when you remember that this was really the first ship wherein we witnessed one of Joss Whedon's better-known proclivities.

Special Rec: 14/35

ship: jenny calendar/rupert giles, special reccer: stars_inthe_sky, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer

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