Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego / Where's Waldo crossovers, 2 recs, Carmen/Waldo

Mar 14, 2011 15:00

Fandom Category: Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego? / Where's Waldo?
Pairing: Carmen Sandiego / Waldo
Fic Title: A Where Affair
Author: vibishan 
Link: http://community.livejournal.com/where_inthewrld/1376.html
Rating/Warning(s): According to the author, "R. NC-17 if you're a prude."
WIP?: No.

Why This Must Be Read: Lovely and romantic, this fic lets our two wanders do just that.  They overlap unexpectedly and in exotic locations--vibishan's eye for detail really stands out, and the links help--without talk of pasts or futures, just chemistry and some hot times with hats on.

Special Rec: 11/35

Fandom Category: Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego? / Where's Waldo?
Pairing: Carmen Sandiego / Waldo
Fic Title: A hidden man will soon be mine, the plan is now in motion.
Author: kryptic_pear 
Link: http://community.livejournal.com/comment_fic/156053.html?thread=33724821#t33724821
Rating/Warning(s): Nothing objectionable except maybe the last line.
WIP?: No.

Why This Must Be Read: A super-short comment fic written off a prompt, this little number perfectly ties together the broad settings of the Where's Waldo? books with the cryptic clues Carmen Sandiego likes to leave into a neat snippet of romance.

Special Rec: 12/35

special reccer: stars_inthe_sky, ship: crossover, fandom: where on earth is carmen sandieg, fandom: where's waldo?

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