The Dark is Rising Sequence, 2 recs, Jane Drew/Bran Davies

Dec 25, 2016 17:34

Challenge 168
Category: Once and Future Fandoms

Hi mods, may I have a tag for Jane Drew and Bran Davies?

Fandom: The Dark is Rising Sequence
Pairing: Jane Drew/Bran Davies
Title: Turn Again
Author: orphan_account
Rating/Warning(s): General Audiences
Word Count/WIP?: 1,917. Complete
Recced on LiveJournal By: devon380black

Why This Must Be Read: The first time I read The Dark is Rising sequence, I thought Jane and Bran's relationship would develop into something more. But that series ended with no closure for these two (or an ironic closure).

This fanfic gives them their chance. A chance to meet again after everything that happened and when they are older. A chance that is infused with the past and perhaps hints of the future.

Fandom: The Dark is Rising Sequence
Pairing: Jane Drew/Bran Davies
Title: Depths of Gold
Author: Kate Bentley
Rating/Warning(s): Fiction K+
Word Count/WIP?: 1,184. Complete
Recced on LiveJournal By: devon380black

Why This Must Be Read: Set after Silver on the Tree. This fanfic is concise and nuanced. Kate Bentley deftly writes a believable moment between Jane and Bran. It's just a oneshot but I wish it was more.

fandom: dark is rising sequence, ship: jane drew/bran davies

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