Doctor Who, Six Recs, Rose Tyler/Jack Harkness

Dec 24, 2016 15:53

Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Rose Tyler/Jack Harkness
Title: Composed of Nows
Author: indiana-j
Link: [links to final chapter, which links back to previous parts]
Rating/Warning(s): PG-13
Word Count/WIP?: 2,098 words. Complete.
Recced on LiveJournal By: gwynevere1

Why This Must Be Read: Jack-falls-through-the-void-and-ends-up-in-Pete's-World is/was a common fic trope. However, I think the author distinguished this story, because indiana-j has Jack investigating Rose and her whereabouts, like a mystery.

My favorite bit from Jack's search for info on Rose:
The [newspapers] wrote about Pete's business with Torchwood and public works; how Jackie had been seemingly changed for the better by the escape from the Cybermen; what Rose was wearing (and in one case, what she wasn't wearing. Jack firmly approved and added that to his growing folder. For scientific reasons, of course).

Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Rose Tyler/Jack Harkness
Title: "Zero Distance" and "Cry Wolf"
Author: sorrelchestnut
Link: Zero Distance and Cry Wolf
Rating/Warning(s): R
Word Count/WIP?: 3,016 words. Complete.
Recced on LiveJournal By: gwynevere1

Why This Must Be Read: I adored "Zero Distance" -- and not *just* because I feel there should be more Jack/Rose fics, in general. I liked the slow, simmering build-up of emotions, so when the pay-off came, it was believable. I also literally laughed out loud in places. All fic should involve hopping for your lives.

Its sequel, "Cry Wolf," ultimately spun into its own universe. "Cry Wolf" maintains the sensuality of the first fic. There's also a somnolent quality to this piece, like we're also waiting for the years slowly to pass by. I enjoyed the constant wolf allusions--and stoned!Jack at Woodstock. The final part, where it's Christmas 2006 again, following a different timeline, particularly got to me.

Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Rose Tyler/Jack Harkness
Title: Engraved
Author: dave7 / Dave7 at A Teaspoon and an Open Mind
Rating/Warning(s): G
Word Count/WIP?: Drabble
Recced on LiveJournal By: gwynevere1

Why This Must Be Read: A lovely drabble, where post-"Doomsday" Rose meets Jack from Pete's World, who's been living linearly since "The Empty Child"/"The Doctor Dances."

Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Rose Tyler/Jack Harkness, Implied Rose Tyler/Ninth Doctor
Title: Enough
Author: dave7 / Dave7 at Teaspoon
Rating/Warning(s): All Ages
Word Count/WIP?: 646 words
Recced on LiveJournal By: gwynevere1

Why This Must Be Read: It's frustrating trying to rec fics where what makes the story so good is that you don't know what's going on in it until about half-way through--so, what makes the fic so interesting is exactly what I can't reveal, since that would ruin the interesting reveal. Ugh. (Ever see that episode of Pinky and the Brain where Pinky is running on the hamster wheel and says to his friend, "I think I'm finally getting somewhere, Brain"? That's how I feel trying to explain this fic.) Anyway, this is a Jack/Rose AU (sort of), spinning from "The Parting of the Ways," and it's very good. That's all you really need to know.

Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Rose Tyler/Jack Harkness
Title: In for a Pound
Author: katsuko
Rating/Warning(s): PG-13
Word Count/WIP?: 629 words. Complete.
Recced on LiveJournal By: gwynevere1

Why This Must Be Read: I found this fic through notsobigheaded. Like that community, I'm also in the firm "Jack-is-Not-Boe, dammit!" camp. ;) I've seen a couple other fics that imply that the whole thing was a bet, but it's the final line that gives this story a wistful edge, which made it stand out to me.

Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Rose Tyler/Jack Harkness
Title: Just What I Needed
Author: karaokegal
Rating/Warning(s): PG-13
Word Count/WIP?: 100 words. Complete.
Recced on LiveJournal By: gwynevere1

Why This Must Be Read: Romantic, sweet -- and very honest.

fandom: doctor who, ship: rose tyler/jack harkness, ship: rose tyler/the doctor

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