GERMAN-ENGLISH WEEKLY JOURNAL by Mark Alan Pollock, (December 15-22, 2024)

Dec 15, 2024 12:28 (3min23sec)

Christmas Surprise - Millinery Unboxing, (Dec 14, 2024) CHAPEL HILL

Happy holidays, costume makers! In this video, I’ll share the unboxing of a surprise donation of #millinerysupplies from the recent studio clean-out of NYC hat brand Cha Cha’s House of Ill Repute! Links: Cha Cha’s House of Ill Repute:

French Elastic:



AMAZON (22 October 2024) & BBC NEWS (20 October 2024) & ABC NEWS (22 October 2024)


BBC News,

I’ll stand for Russian president when Putin's gone, Navalny’s widow tells BBC by Katie Razzall, Culture and Media Editor, BBC News & Daniel Fisher, BBC News, (20 October 2024)


ABC News,


Alexei Anatolyevich Navalny,

Alexei Anatoljewitsch Nawalny,


Yulia Borisovna Navalnaya,

Julija Borissowna Nawalnaja,


The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square

BYU tv, 9:00-10:30 PM (15 December 2024)

Sir Nicholas George Wintin (lived to 106). His son was present.

Sir David Courtney Suchet (1946-), historical monolog



Tabernacle Choir Home,


The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square,

CHRISTMAS CONCERT - The choir performs an annual Christmas concert in the Conference Center in Salt Lake City during the month of December. Typically, the concert consists of three performances: a Thursday dress rehearsal, followed by Friday and Saturday concerts. The combined audience for each concert series is approximately 63,000. Tickets to the concert are free, and are available on a first-come, first-served basis. A live album (CD/DVD) is typically released, along with the concert being aired on PBS and BYUtv, during December of the following year. The concert traditionally concludes with a performance of "Angels, from the Realms of Glory". Guest artists participate and sing with the choir most years. A guest narrator is also invited most years to read the Christmas story from the Book of Luke.


In Sunday school we finished reading the book below. For my part, I think that all people should be friends and live in peace. - MAP (December 16, 2024),


In der Sonntagsschule haben wir das Buch unten fertiggelesen. Meinerseits denke ich, dass alle Menschen Freunde sein sollen und im Frieden leben sollen. - MAP (16. Dezember 2024)



Heavy Burdens: Seven Ways LGBTQ Christians Experience Harm in the Church,

by Bridget Eileen Rivera (Author), (October 26, 2021)

Religious faith reduces the risk of suicide for virtually every American demographic except one: LGBTQ people. Generations of LGBTQ people have been alienated or condemned by Christian communities. It's past time that Christians confronted the ongoing and devastating effects of this legacy.

Many LGBTQ people face overwhelming challenges in navigating faith, gender, and sexuality. Christian communities that uphold the traditional sexual ethic often unwittingly make the path more difficult through unexamined attitudes and practices. Drawing on her sociological training and her leadership in the Side B/Revoice conversation, Bridget Eileen Rivera, who founded the popular website Meditations of a Traveling Nun,, speaks to the pain of LGBTQ Christians and helps churches develop a better pastoral approach.

Rivera calls to mind Jesus's woe to religious leaders: "They tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on the shoulders of others; but they themselves are unwilling to lift a finger to move them" (Matt. 23:4). Heavy Burdens provides an honest account of seven ways LGBTQ people experience discrimination in the church, helping Christians grapple with hard realities and empowering churches across the theological spectrum to navigate better paths forward.


Der religiöse Glaube verringert das Selbstmordrisiko für praktisch jede amerikanische Bevölkerungsgruppe, außer für LGBTQ-Menschen. Generationen von LGBTQ-Menschen wurden von christlichen Gemeinschaften entfremdet oder verurteilt. Es ist höchste Zeit, dass sich Christen mit den anhaltenden und verheerenden Auswirkungen dieses Erbes auseinandersetzen.

Viele LGBTQ-Menschen stehen vor überwältigenden Herausforderungen, wenn es darum geht, Glauben, Geschlecht und Sexualität zu meistern. Christliche Gemeinschaften, die die traditionelle Sexualethik hochhalten, erschweren den Weg oft unabsichtlich durch unhinterfragte Einstellungen und Praktiken. Bridget Eileen Rivera, die die beliebte Website Meditations of a Traveling Nun,, gegründet hat, spricht auf der Grundlage ihrer soziologischen Ausbildung und ihrer Führungsrolle im Side B/Revoice-Gespräch über den Schmerz von LGBTQ-Christen und hilft Kirchen, einen besseren pastoralen Ansatz zu entwickeln.

Rivera erinnert an Jesu Wehklagen gegenüber religiösen Führern: „Sie binden schwere und unerträgliche Lasten zusammen und legen sie auf die Schultern anderer, doch sie selbst wollen keinen Finger rühren, um sie zu tragen“ (Matthäus 23:4). „Heavy Burdens“ bietet einen ehrlichen Bericht über sieben Arten, wie LGBTQ-Menschen in der Kirche Diskriminierung erfahren, hilft Christen, mit harten Realitäten umzugehen und befähigt Kirchen aus allen theologischen Richtungen, bessere Wege nach vorne zu finden. - &



Sir Nicholas George Winton,

Sir Nicholas George Winton,


E-MAIL, The Progress Network (TPN) - (Dec. 19, 2024)


My daughter recommended the website above to me. First, I visited the website and checked it out. I immediately became a member. Now I recommend the website to other people. - MAP (December 19, 2024),


Die Tochter hat mir die Webseite oben empfohlen. Zuerst habe ich die Webseite besucht und geprüft. Sofort bin ich ein Mitglied geworden. Nun empfehle ich die Webseite zu anderen Menschen. - MAP (19. Dezember 2024)


Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards (CWPA) -


(4056) Holiday Lunch with Family in Morristown, TN, USA, (December 20, 2024)


Today we drove to Morristown, TN to have lunch with the family. - MAP (December 20, 2024),


Heute sind wir nach Morristown, TN mit dem Auto gefahren, um zum Mittagsessen mit der Familie zu gehen. - MAP (20. Dezember 2024)


E-MAIL, Videos from DANK,, (December 20, 2024)

Cologne's Christmas Markets: What You Need to Know - (7min14sec)


E-MAIL, A Beautiful Story Honoring Honesty, by SANTIAGO, (December 21, 2024)

This is not a true memory story, but easily could have been. The good we do wants to come back to us. Hope you and Jeanne have a wonderful Christmas.


The older brother sent me the short, beautiful, and pure story below. I was surprised to get two translations below from Google Translate. Both translations are good. What do you think? What do you think? - MAP (December 21, 2024),


Der ältere Bruder hat mir die kurze, schöne und reine Geschichte unten geschickt. Überrascht war ich zwei Übersetzungen unten von GOOGLE TRANSLATE zu bekommen. Beide Übersetzungen sind gut. Was denken Sie? Was denkst du? - MAP (21. Dezember 2024)



(4060 & 4061), A Gift from a Lifelong Friend, (December 21, 2024)


This afternoon we received a gift from a lifelong friend. The packaging is crumpled, unbleached paper ribbons. - MAP (December 21, 2024),


Heute Nachmittag haben wir ein Geschenk von einer lebenslangen Freundin bekommen. Der Packungsmittel ist zerknitterte ungebleichte Papierbänder. - MAP (21. Dezember 2024)


(4062 & Screen Shot), A Gift from a Lifelong Friend, (December 21, 2024)



Tonight, I enjoyed eating a pear. - MAP (December 21, 2024),


Heute Abend habe ich eine Birne gern gegessen. - MAP (21. Dezember 2024)

---------------------------- & (December 22, 2024)


Since 1977, we have been members of the Church First United Methodist Church (FUMC) in Johnson City, TN, USA. In the new year 2025 we (will) start reading this book in the Sunday school. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2025. - MAP (December 22, 2024),


Seit der Jahr 1977 sind wir Mitglieder der Kirche First United Methodist Church (FUMC) in Johnson City, TN, USA. Im neuen Jahr 2025 fangen wir dieses Buch in der Sonntagsschule anzulesen. Fröhliche Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr 2025. - MAP (22. Dezember 2024)



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