Barbara Streisand Christmas Memories 2001 (47min21sec)
01. I’ll Be Home For Christmas
02. A Christmas Love Song
03. What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve?
04. I Remember
05. Snowbound
06. It Must Have Been The Mistletoe
07. Christmas Lullaby
08. Christmas Mem’ries
09. Grown-Up Christmas List
10. Ave Maria
11. Closer
12. One God
Grown-Up Christmas List, Barbra Streisand (c.2001) (3min31sec)
SEARCH GOOGLE = Barbra Streisand Grown-Up Christmas List Lyrics Original English to German by ----------------------------
E-MAIL, HAPPY HOLIDAYS…,, (December 23, 2024)
Dear Chautauqua Family,
The holidays provide a powerful moment to reflect. As we approach the end of another year and embrace the spirit of the season, I want to take a moment to highlight the many incredible experiences we have shared at Chautauqua Institution during this 150th anniversary year.
This milestone was more than just a look back on the moments that shaped our legacy - it provided a backdrop to celebrate the enduring values and vision that have guided us for a century and a half. Vibrant programs and meaningful conversations reminded us of the transformative power of community and the continuing relevance of our mission. In 1905, U.S. President Teddy Roosevelt said Chautauqua was, “...typical of America at its best.” May we continue to earn that designation in all that we do.
We can continue to earn that designation by choosing to focus on what unites us. We Chautauquans are fortunate to have many opportunities to come together, to listen to one another, and to practice the behaviors of meaningful dialogue. In doing so, we are forging an even brighter path forward for Chautauqua, our community, our nation, and the world.
The holiday season calls us to remember those in need - those suffering from the ravages of war, conflict, and oppression; those grieving the loss of loved ones; and those enduring health crises, poverty, and other life conditions that may seem insurmountable. We pray for peace, healing, and greater access to support and services for all. May this holiday season bring peace, joy, and a renewed sense of hope for the future. Let us continue to foster conversations that inspire empathy, understanding and life-affirming innovation in the year ahead.
Wishing you and your loved ones a wonderful holiday season and a healthy and happy New Year!
Happiest of Holidays,
Michael E. Hill, Ed.D.
Chautauqua Institution… (Original in English)
Liebe Chautauqua-Familie,
Die Feiertage bieten eine eindrucksvolle Gelegenheit zum Nachdenken. Da wir uns dem Ende eines weiteren Jahres nähern und den Geist der Jahreszeit genießen, möchte ich mir einen Moment Zeit nehmen, um die vielen unglaublichen Erfahrungen hervorzuheben, die wir in diesem 150. Jubiläumsjahr an der Chautauqua Institution gemacht haben.
Dieser Meilenstein war mehr als nur ein Rückblick auf die Momente, die unser Erbe geprägt haben - er bot eine Kulisse, um die dauerhaften Werte und Visionen zu feiern, die uns seit anderthalb Jahrhunderten leiten. Lebendige Programme und bedeutungsvolle Gespräche erinnerten uns an die transformative Kraft der Gemeinschaft und die anhaltende Relevanz unserer Mission. 1905 sagte US-Präsident Teddy Roosevelt, Chautauqua sei „… typisch für Amerika von seiner besten Seite“. Mögen wir uns diese Bezeichnung in allem, was wir tun, weiterhin verdienen.
Wir können uns diese Bezeichnung weiterhin verdienen, indem wir uns darauf konzentrieren, was uns eint. Wir Chautauquaner haben das Glück, viele Gelegenheiten zu haben, zusammenzukommen, einander zuzuhören und die Verhaltensweisen eines bedeutungsvollen Dialogs zu praktizieren. Damit ebnen wir Chautauqua, unserer Gemeinschaft, unserem Land und der Welt einen noch besseren Weg.
Die Feiertage rufen uns dazu auf, der Bedürftigen zu gedenken - derer, die unter den Verwüstungen von Krieg, Konflikten und Unterdrückung leiden; derer, die den Verlust geliebter Menschen betrauern; und derer, die unter Gesundheitskrisen, Armut und anderen Lebensumständen leiden, die unüberwindbar erscheinen. Wir beten für Frieden, Heilung und einen besseren Zugang zu Unterstützung und Dienstleistungen für alle. Möge diese Feiertage Frieden, Freude und ein neues Gefühl der Hoffnung für die Zukunft bringen. Lassen Sie uns auch im kommenden Jahr weiterhin Gespräche fördern, die Empathie, Verständnis und lebensbejahende Innovationen inspirieren.
Wir wünschen Ihnen und Ihren Lieben wunderbare Feiertage und ein gesundes und glückliches neues Jahr!
Die schönsten Feiertage,
Michael E. Hill, Ed.D.
Chautauqua Institution… (Original in English into German,
(4064 & youtube), Interesting Juxtaposition of Images & Stories, Johnson City Press, (December 23, 2024) & Leise rieselt der Schnee, (2min38sec)
The first picture reminds me of the Manger of the Christ Child from the first Christmas. Unfortunately, the people of the world have not yet learned God's message. The message is very simple: "All people should love one another." - MAP (December 23, 2024), ----------------------------
Das erste Bild erinnert mir an die Krippe von dem Christkind der ersten Weihnachten. Leider haben die Menschen der Welt Gotts Nachricht noch nicht gelernt. Die Nachricht ist ganz einfach: „Alle Menschen sollen einander lieben“. - MAP (23. Dezember 2024)
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(4068 & 4069), 9:23 AM Johnson City, TN & 3:04 PM Durham, NC, (December 24, 2024)
At 9:23 am we were home in front of the garage. From there we drove to McDonalds for breakfast. Then we drove from Johnson City, TN to Durham, NC. At 3:04 pm we were with the family to celebrate Christmas. On December 25th at 12:10 pm we started the return journey. At 5:15 pm we were back home. - MAP (December 25th, 2024), ----------------------------
Um 9:23 Uhr waren wir vor der Garage zu Hause. Von dort sind wir zu McDonalds gefahren, um Frühstuck zu gehen. Danach sind wir von Johnson City, TN nach Durham, NC gefahren. Um 15:04 Uhr waren wir mit der Familie, um Weihnachten zu feiern. Am 25. Dezember um 12:10 Uhr haben wir die Rückfahrt angefangen. Um 17:15 Uhr waren wir zurück zu Hause. - MAP (25. Dezember 2024)
E-MAIL, HAPPY HOLIDAYS from Rosa & Maria, Karlsruhe, Germany, (December 25, 2024)
Dear Mark and Jeannie,
we wish you a blessed Christmas and a happy New Year 2025
Best wishes 🌹
Rosa and Maria
Lieber Mark und Jeannie,
wir wünschen Euch ein gesegnetes Weihnachtsfest und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr 2025
Herzliche Grüße 🌹
Rosa und Maria
E-MAIL, DANK E-NEWSLETTER,, (December 25, 2024)
Guten Tag DANK Member,
Attached to this email you will find a PDF of the new E-Newsletter DANK Journal. This is a complementary shortened version of the DANK Journal that we email on alternating months of the DANK Journal. We hope you enjoy this additional source from DANK National. Please reply to this email if you have any questions, issues, or comments.
Thank you for your continued support and take care,
DANK National
German American National Congress (DANK)
4740 N. Western Avenue, Suite 206
Chicago, IL 60625-2013 Telephone: (773) 275-1100
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Szenenbild von Dinner for One aus der Vogelperspektive und eine schwarz-weiße Aufnahme
Scene from Dinner for One from a bird's eye view and a black and white snapshot
Dinner for one - English subtitles - Original recording (17min50sec)
E-MAIL, Videos from DANK, , (December 27, 2024)
Guten Tag DANK Member,
Weekly, we at DANK National would like to share videos on German Culture with you. This week we hope you enjoy this informative video about New Year celebrations in Germany.
New Year in Germany | Silvester in Germany -
Please let us know if you have any questions or issues!
Thank you and take care,
DANK National
German American National Congress (DANK)
4740 N. Western Avenue, Suite 206
Chicago, IL 60625-2013 Telephone: (773) 275-1100
Andrea Bocelli: 30 - The Celebration [2024] - Full Trailer (1min17sec)
On December 27th we watched the film on the television at home. - MAP (December 27, 2024), ----------------------------
Am 27. Dezember haben wir den Film am Fernsehgerät zu Hause angesehen. - MAP (27. Dezember 2024)
---------------------------- (December 28, 2024)
From Strength to Strength: Finding Success, Happiness, and Deep Purpose in the Second Half of Life, by Arthur C. Brooks, (c.2022)
The roadmap for finding purpose, meaning, and success as we age, from bestselling author, Harvard professor, and the Atlantic's happiness columnist Arthur Brooks.
Many of us assume that the more successful we are, the less susceptible we become to the sense of professional and social irrelevance that often accompanies aging. But the truth is, the greater our achievements and our attachment to them, the more we notice our decline, and the more painful it is when it occurs.
What can we do, starting now, to make our older years a time of happiness, purpose, and yes, success?
At the height of his career at the age of 50, Arthur Brooks embarked on a seven-year journey to discover how to transform his future from one of disappointment over waning abilities into an opportunity for progress. From Strength to Strength is the result, a practical roadmap for the rest of your life.
Drawing on social science, philosophy, biography, theology, and eastern wisdom, as well as dozens of interviews with everyday men and women, Brooks shows us that true life success is well within our reach. By refocusing on certain priorities and habits that anyone can learn, such as deep wisdom, detachment from empty rewards, connection and service to others, and spiritual progress, we can set ourselves up for increased happiness. Read this book and you, too, can go from strength to strength.
About the Author - Arthur C. Brooks is an American social scientist, the William Henry Bloomberg Professor of the Practice of Public Leadership at the Harvard Kennedy School, and Professor of Management Practice at the Harvard Business School. Prior, he was the president of the American Enterprise Institute for ten years, where he held the Beth and Ravenel Curry Chair in Free Enterprise. He has authored eleven books, including the bestsellers Love Your Enemies and The Conservative Heart, and writes the popular How to Build a Life column at The Atlantic. He is also the host of the podcast The Art of Happiness with Arthur Brooks.
Today, I ordered the book above from the Chautaugua Bookstore. A few years ago, we saw and listened to the author at the Chautauqua Institution in New York. We bought his CD then. At age 80, I am curious to read his new book. - MAP (December 28, 2024), ----------------------------
Heute habe ich das Buch oben bei der Buchhandlung Chautaugua Bookstore bestellt. Vor ein paar Jahren haben wir den Autor bei der Chautauqua Institution in New York angesehen und zugehören. Damals haben wir sein CD gekauft. Am Alter 80 bin ich neugierig sein neues Buch zu lesen. - MAP (28. Dezember 2024)
On Christmas morning, my daughter gave me the book below. I am always a person who looks for the good in other people. The book should help me to observe all the good. - MAP (December 28, 2024), ----------------------------
Am Weihnachtsmorgen hat die Tochter mir das Buch unten geschenkt. Immer bin ich ein Mensch, der in anderen Menschen das Gute sucht. Das Buch soll mir helfen, alles Gutes zu beobachten. - MAP (28. Dezember 2024)
---------------------------- (December 28, 2024)
Hope for Cynics: The Surprising Science of Human Goodness, by Jamil Zaki (c.2024)
Amazon Editors' Pick for Best Nonfiction Books of 2024
Cynicism is making us sick; Stanford Psychologist Dr. Jamil Zaki has the cure-a “ray of light for dark days” (Adam Grant, #1 New York Times bestselling author).
In 1972, half of Americans agreed that most people can be trusted; by 2018, only a third did. Different generations, genders, religions, and political parties all think human virtue is evaporating. Cynicism is an understandable response to a world full of injustice and inequality. But in many cases, it is misplaced. Dozens of studies find that people fail to realize how kind, generous, and open-minded others really are. Cynical thinking deepens social problems: when we expect the worst in people, we often bring it out of them.
We don’t have to remain stuck in this cynicism trap. Through science and storytelling, Jamil Zaki imparts the secret for beating back cynicism: hopeful skepticism-thinking critically about people and our problems, while honoring and encouraging our strengths. Far from being naïve, hopeful skepticism is a precise way of understanding others that can rebalance our view of human nature and help us build the world we truly want.
About the Author - Dr. Jamil Zaki is a professor of psychology at Stanford University and the director of the Stanford Social Neuroscience Lab. He trained at Columbia and Harvard, studying empathy and kindness in the human brain. He is interested in human connection and how we can learn to connect better.
E-MAIL, from my older brother, whom I have always admired, (December 29, 2024)
---------------------------- Ned Jilton II: 'Old Christmas' among January events at area's historic sites, JOHNSON CITY PRESS, Six Rivers Media, Page C8, (December 28, 2024) Sycamore Shoals State Historic Park, 1651 W. Elk Avenue, Elizabethton, TN, 423.543.5808
Ned Jilton II, Dr. Judkin Browning, Chad Bogart respectively…
Ned Jilton II is a photographer, history lover, and columnist. You can contact him at
Dr. Judkin Browning received his bachelor’s degree in history at Florida State University in 1996 and his master’s degree in public history at North Carolina State University in 1999, before completing his doctorate at the University of Georgia in 2006. He has written on the effects of Union military occupation on the local whites, African Americans, Union soldiers, and Northern benevolent societies that experienced or participated in the occupation of eastern North Carolina. He has also written a history of the Seven Days Battles, reassessing that campaign and the reasons for its ultimate outcome.
An Environmental History of the Civil War (Civil War America) by Judkin Browning & Timothy Silver, (April 13, 2020)