NF to LJ code conversions

Aug 04, 2007 01:36

The NF to LJ conversion guide!

So you want to post an essay on both LJ and NF? Well since I have experience on the matter (*cough*), here's how to proceed.

Note: I'll be mostly addressing NF to LJ conversions rather than the other way round. You can just use the reverse procedure for the most part.

A few shortcuts:
Copy: ctrl-V
Paste: ctrl-P
Search function: ctrl-F
Replace function: ctrl-H of ctrl-F (depending on the program)

I. Code replacement
II. LJ index creation
III. Wrapping up


I. Code replacement
I.1. Links
I.2. Images
I.3. The rest
I.4. The manual

II. LJ index link table
II.1. Make a basic index
II.2. The code
II.3. The titles

III. Wrapping up

I. Code replacement

NF uses forum coding which relies on [ and ] most.
LJ uses html coding that relies on < and > most.

A straight-forward conversion of the above gets most of the job done, but it's better to address a few specific codes first.

To convert, simply use the search and replace function that's available pretty much everywhere, and choose "replace all."

You have: NF code

[url=(url)](text)[/url] (for link)
[img]source[/img] (for images)

You want: LJ code

text (link)


I.1. Links

Use the following conversion schemes:


I.3. The rest

Use the following conversion schemes:
[ to <
] to >

This takes care of the [b], the [i], the [center] and similar codes.

I.4. The manual


Your link codes are incomplete at this point. They are:


In short, you're missing a " .

To get the little bugger, you'll have to add them manually. It's pretty fast using the search function: search for

You should be getting working images or thumbnails using the above, but if you wish, you can do the following:
- change the NF thumbnail view to a full image view on LJ, like I do (LJ is spacier for images)
- add wrap properties to LJ images. This is done by adding align="right" or align="left" in image codes.

To do the above, do a manual search for
Go ahead, copy the code listed at the start of this section and practice the replacement functions.

Note: the above coding isn't exhaustive, as there are some functions I simply never use. Also, LJ doesn't have a “spoiler” tag, so you'll have to replace those by something else. I usually convert the area to italics or give them start and end markings.

II. LJ index link table

I usually don't do clickable indexes on NF, but I do use them for LJ. Here's the way I proceed:

II.1. Make a basic index

If you have created a normal code-less table for NF, then just use that one. If not, scan the document and copy/paste all titles to make the table.

For the following, you're advised to make a new document to not risk messing up the existing one.


Title I.
Title I.1.
Title I.2.

Title II.

II.2. The code

Copy/paste the following to the beginning of each title line:

You can make the copy/pasting even faster by re-copying when you've added part of the numbering already:

Copy/paste the following to the end of each title line:

I make use of the "home" and "end" keys a lot to quickly reach the beginning and ends of a line.

Manually add the numbering for each title: I. , I.1., I.2. etc.

You get this:

Title I.
Title I.1.
Title I.2.

Title II.

II.3. The titles

Copy/paste all of the above once. You get a new section.

Do the following replacements on the new section only (by highlighting it before doing the replace function, or by copying into a separate document where you can safely do "replace all"):


You get this:

Title I.
Title I.1.
Title I.2.

Title II.

Now open the original essay, and replace the normal titles by copy/pasting the coded titles above into their place.

Note: At this point you can make the index a little prettier by adding and to the main sections of the index code.

In the end, you get this:


Title I.
Title I.1.
Title I.2.

Title II.


Title I.
Title I.1.
Title I.2.

Title II.

Try it!

III. Wrapping up

There are some final differences between NF and LJ.

LJ cuts

Unless you want your journal to look real ugly, it's recommended that you put your entries under an LJ cut.

This is the code used:

Essay content

Character limits

NF posts present a character limit of 10,000 characters.
LJ's character limit is more lenient at around 65,000 characters.

I just open a program with character count and check the sections before posting on either NF or LJ.

Finally, use the "preview" button a lot to make sure you haven't messed up any of the codes.

Fake LJ cuts

When posting across multiple communities, LJ does not have a handy shortcut to link multiple instances to a single post. In short, you have to use a "normal" link.

However, you can still make it look like an LJ-cut by using the following code:

( title )

Happy multi-posting!
