Mar 01, 2010 02:13
Well i just HAD to post since shannon reminded me of this sites exsistance. why the hell not use this site for its only bitch and complain like the rest of the live journal populas...sometimes it's good to just let shit out ....especally in a place where chances are, people wont read no Adam Lamberg......this isn't for your entertainment....(although there have been MANY posts by people that have been EXTREAMLY entertaining) but i do feel like this could be a good place to blab away without getting critisized like one does on Facebook...aparently facebook is not the place to bitch and complain.......HAHAHA....i mean, its quite obvious Facebook is clearly for letting the world know how many times you've wiped your ass and posting naked photos of yourself doing the peace sign by ur face....i i right!? im right....;)
well i guess i dont have much to bitch about right passing out at the this was just the opener....the teaser for all of you that still use this thing and thrive to comment on everyone and anyones entries ....
Note to Shannon : We deffinatly need to change my picture and back round...aparently Needles did it for me a few years ago...this day in sure i can do without ;) so start your searching for cool back rounds and pictures..