A long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

May 23, 2005 11:27

Shhhh! I'm at work updating my LJ while looking up statistics for an upcoming show! Woohoo for multi-tasting!

This weekend was absolutely insane, but really fun. It started on Saturday at 10am with "Spaceballs." Ben and I were the only ones there with J for that, but it was a really fun and silly way to start the marathon. Some other people showed up for Episodes I & II, which were pretty much as bad as I had remembered, but were a bit more tolerable knowing that they would be followed by episodes III-VI. I think the most people we had was 10-12, so for Episode II half of us went into J's bedroom aka The Trash Compactor.

After Episodes I & II, we all carpooled over to the Arclight for Episode III. It was crazy when we got there, there were Storm Troopers patrolling outside, and Chewbacca was standing outside the door, posing for pictures. Ben and I were the only ones who had a camera, so we took a picture with most of us with a Stormtrooper, and then more of us with Chewy. It was really funny. When Ben gets back home, I'll make sure he sends me the pictures from that and I'll post them. It was also funny, because when J was asking the Stormtrooper to take the picture with us, he turned to him and goes, "Excuse me officer..." I was amused.

After Episode III (which was fucking awesome, btw) we all went back to J's place to eat some food and chill after the movie. Ben and I rode with J and J's friend in the friend's badass car. I don't remember what kind of car it was, but it was a 3 door silver thing, with black and red interior and it was fucking nuts. I felt like we should be looking to fight crime riding around in it. But anyway, we ended up hanging at J's until about 2ish, before we finally went home.

The next day started at 10am again with "Ewoks: The Battle For Endor." I was very excited to see this, because Ben and I used to watch it all the time when we were little, but I hadn't seen it for at lest 10 years. It was goofy, but fun. After that we watched Episodes IV - VI. Let me tell you, after watching Episodes I-III, Episode IV is a completely different movie. There's so much more depth to it now and certain things have completely different meanings and it literally feels like a different movie. It's so weird having seen it for years and suddenly it all feels different. It's a total mindfuck. Try it. Go watch Episode III and then watch Episode IV. It's crazy.

In between all these movies, we watched lots of Star Wars specials and fun things. We watched a Star Wars special on TRL, Hardware Wars, Star Wars auditions from SNL, mockumentary on R2D2's rise to fame, real Star Wars auditions, deleted scenes, a Donny & Marie Star Wars special, the Star Wars Holiday Special and some Clone Wars. It was fun, it was strange, it was crazy and at times boring. The holiday special and Donny & Marie thing in general made me want to claw my eyes out. But it was all great.

After all the movies, the other girls went home, and me and the boys stayed to play Star Wars games on Xbox. Kevin brought over his Xbox and Ben brought his TV, so with J's Xbox and TV we had two of them going. My brother Ben played J with Battlefield Star Wars something, while Ben and Kevin played something else. I tried playing with J a bit too, but I was pretty crappy. It'd never played on Xbox before and the controller was messing with me. After that for an hour or so, we switched to Halo 2. That was crazy, because it was 3 vs. 2. At first it was me, Kevin and J against the Bens. Then we decide to all play against my brother Ben, because he's crazy good. That team set up seemed to be a good one, because the 4 of us were trying to kill him, and he was still kicking our asses. Though I have to say, I didn't add much to the game. I kinda sucked, but I still had fun.

We finally went home at 1ish. It was an insanely fun weekend, but totally draining. It's strange how much sitting around watching movies all day can take out of you. I mean, we literally sat around for 12 hours watching TV, and last night I was completely shattered. I guess it's like traveling. You're not really doing anything there either, but it's exhausting for reasons unknown. But despite being groggy and tired and not getting any physical activity and eating too much junk food from the Admiral Snackbar, it was a great weekend. I feel like a total geek, but I love it.

Anyone up for a Trilogy Tuesday? =]

Oh yeah, psupachic, what was that line you were talking about? There's a line that I thought may have been what you were talking about, but I wasn't sure.

nostalgia, geek!

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