Jan 12, 2010 14:56
Collected thoughts and ramblings from last night and today:
- Glee finally hit English TV last night. Awesome. Monday nights are the new Tuesday nights (Ugly Betty was on on a Tuesday).
- Timetable for next semester is a little bit more resolved, but still smack bang in the middle of clash central. I have done some e-mailing and hopefully will be able to change one of my classes around. Hopefully.
- Got my essay topic for C19th Lit approved today: Landschaft und Natur in "Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts" und "Schloß Dürande" von Eichendorff. About how the dark, scary landscapes in the book and when the heroes are attacked by the Devil and Venus, and how pear trees save them and deliver them to Jesus. It's all a bit medieaval, which interests me. I lugged some books back up the hill today for the essay. I say lugged, I got on the bus with them.
- Went to the library and wrote up ten sides of notes. How do you revise for a translation exam?! Building work was still going on and the drilling and hammering and conversations were so so loud. I sent an email to library services to ask how long it will go on for. Apparently it's mostly done now so disruption would be minimal. Erm... go sit in that reading room and tell me that.
- The Coop were out of normal tofu so I had to go to Just Natural and buy some, but they only had smoked... we shall see how this all turns out.
- I'm thinking of becoming vegetarian again, for reasons similar and different to the ones before, but which still aren't fully worked out in my head.
- Got home and my housemate (still asleep fyi) hadn't answered the door when the postman came, so I have to go to the sorting office again to get a parcel.
- I need to do some more work... I shall make a big cup of coffee for this
- Quiz tonight!