Jan 13, 2010 20:05
So we did better at the quiz last night than we usually do: 25/30, and the winning team got 26. So close but so so far! Then we came back here and I resorted to cointreau to play a few games of "who's in the pan". I fell asleep on the couch listening to Sigur Ros and was woken up by my nocturnal housemate.
Today I didn't really do too much, just re-read and then edited my essay on Passievrucht for Dutch Literature... I'm quite pleased with it, though am not too sure about the re-write of the intro. We shall see.
The plan for tomorrow is to hit the library. Again. It's only three weeks I guess, and then the hard work of semester two starts. Hmm.
Matt (for the new friends out there, my boyfriend, who lives in London) is coming back up to Sheffield (where I study and where he's from) next week for his birthday. He wants me to meet his parents. I want to, but I'm so so nervous. I guess I just need to bite the bullet and meet them.