So I have been busy lately. Although I have only had about 2 hours of classes a day, I have been filling the time with hiking, reading, and hanging out with other expats.
This week I am going to try and go to Danyang with my coworker Yung Su. It will be fun to hang out outside of work. We just completed another English Camp. I have been trying to make a video of it all day, but problems have caused me to have to make it from scratch three different times. Anyways I thought that it would be nice if I had something tangible to show for it. I also think my boss might appreciate having something tangible to show his bosses for next time he wants to budget another one.
A coworker finally sent me some video of a mini concert that a student gave us during the last day of class. Some days my job amazes me.
Went out for
ice cream the other day with some of the other epik kidz.
EPIK Anil and
EPIK Netty were impressed with the size of the sundaes, which where loaded with Peppero (Pocky) sticks, saltines, and kiwi. Unfortunate our impressioned changed as we dug into them and realized that they were just "average".
Also in unrelated news, Koreans decorate thier restraunts with the
darned things.
This video sums up how all my conversations in a day go. I could see this being offensive, but it is obivious to me that they have an intimate knowledge of how Koreans talk. They speak English like Koreans, not Japanese for example. Albeit, that they sound exactly like some of my students.
In case you are curious,
here is what I get for pizza around here. Feel free to make your own, with extra corn.
Link to new Video *EDIT*