Festivid reveals: Hamilton treats!

Feb 13, 2016 08:59

I made a Festivid treat this year because various people requested Hamilton and I could not resist. And then, uh, I made another one. And another. For a total of three.


In the order created, they are:

Jefferson Funk for
anoel: Daveed Diggs and his amazing face. Hot damn!
DW | LJ | AO3 | Tumblr

Independent Women for
such_heights: The Schuyler Sisters set to Destiny's Child. (Someone had to.)
DW | LJ | AO3 | Tumblr

Here I Stand for
sdwolfpup: Alexander Hamilton. I got my wits, I got my heart, I got my blade.
DW | LJ | AO3 | Tumblr

As always, big thanks to
renenet for emotional support, thoughtful beta, and did I mention the emotional support? I HAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS ABOUT THIS MUSICAL, OKAY.

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vid: independent women, vids: announcements, vid: jefferson funk, musical: hamilton, festivids, vid: here i stand

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