FESTIVID: Independent Women

Jan 17, 2016 15:00

Festivid treat #2, for

Independent Women
source: Hamilton
music: Destiny's Child, "Independent Women part 2"
summary: If you feel it, throw them hands up.

Honestly, there are only so many times a vidder can read press about the musical that compares the Schuyler sisters to Destiny's Child before saying I ACCEPT MY FATE I WILL MAKE THE THING.

Download: Independent Women mp4 (52 MB)

Once again, shoutout to
renenet for holding my hand through the process of vidding anonymously.

This is the second of three (!) Festivid treats that I made for 2015-16. I finished the Jefferson vidlet mid-afternoon and felt like I was on a roll, so I just... kept going. I showed the draft of the Jefferson vidlet to
renenet that night, and then, after we hung up, when it was already past my bedtime, I stayed up a couple more hours to finish a draft of this one. Oops. Yay!

The b-roll has slightly more source for the Schuyler sisters than for Jefferson -- 2:05 compared to 1:30 -- and I was able to use a few other snippets as well, but the principle was similar: making both vidlets was like solving a sudoku puzzle. A really, really fun sudoku puzzle. Throw them hands up! :D

image You can watch this video on www.livejournal.com

password: Festividz!

All comments and feedback are welcome, either here, at the AO3, or via email (heresluck at gmail dot com).

NOTE: If you want to know when I post new vids, you can track the "vids: announcements" tag on this journal or subscribe to
heresluck at the AO3.

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comments on Dreamwidth

vid: independent women, vids: announcements, musical: hamilton, festivids

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