New Year, Same Me - and that's how it should be.

Jan 01, 2007 02:53

Happy New Year's, all!

I hope that 2006 went well for everyone, and that 2007 is full of brightness and love.

My grandma always said 'How you spend New Year's day is how you spend the rest of the year'. And I've really taken that to heart in my life. I always try to live right on New Year's and surround myself with things that I wanted to be always surrounded with.

This year I started with family. I watched the ball drop in New York Times Square with my Aunt and sister, then my mom called me long distance. I hope that my family is safe and happy in thise new year.

Next, I sent out all my New Year wishes to all my friends abroad. I started this tradition last year, and i plan to do it every year. I hope they all stay safe, and remember that we always have each other.

Now, just before bed, I'm writing in my LJ. And I hope to continue to share with my wonderful livejournal family all over the world this year. This has been a wonderful experience - meeting new people, writing again. I hope to get more involved in 2007. Thanks for all your contributions LJers of all shapes, sizes and colours.

I tend not to make resolutions; I rarely remember them. But this year, I plan to live by my motto: Do You. Because that's the only person you should be trying to do (get your minds out the gutter!).

Anyway - in closing. Good Luck, Good Wishes for 2007. May it bring you all you deserve (and may visions of hot Korean boys dance through your dreams :P).


rl, me

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