[Fic] How to Save a Life

Jan 07, 2007 18:56

Title: How to save a life (1/3)



Pairing: Jaeho, Jae/?

Rating: R, for adult themes

Warnings: mentions of drug abuse, addiction, and sexual relations while under the influence

Summary: What happens when a past love reappears in Jaejoong’s life and stirs up old memories he would rather forget?

A/N: Inspired, very loosely by

wedspawn’s So Much Mine (an awesome story, check it out at her journal), as well as How to Save a life by the Fray. Other than that - I have NO idea where this came from.

The nightclub was smoky. Techno blared from the speakers, the strobe lights pulsing to the heavy bass of the rhythm. Jaejoong watched the other members from the topmost V.I.P room, not quite ready to plunge into the mass of moving bodies.

“If you need a little something to get you in the mood to move, I’ve got exactly what you’re looking for,” a deep voice said in Jaejoong’s ear, breath hot on his neck.

“Not interested.” Jaejoong said, stepping away quickly.

“Of course not. A pretty little thing like you probably gets what I’m selling for free.”

Jaejoong froze.

“A pretty thing like you? With a face like that you should be getting this shit for free.”

Jaejoong turned around. Dark eyes and pink lips smiled back at him from a very familiar face.

“It’s good to see you haven’t forgotten an old friend, Jaejoong.” The man stood from where he was leaning against the wall, pushing at the shock of dark hair that fell over his left eye.

“It’s been a while since I last called you friend, Hyejun.” Jaejoong took a step back, pressing into the bar of the railing behind him as Hyejun pressed closer.

“It’s been a while since you called period, Jae. A little celebrity goes straight to the head, hmm?” Hyejun tilted his head to the side, an inquiry in his eyes, his lips curved into his trademark smile. Jaejoong’s eyes blazed up at him in anger.

“Don’t forget, Junnie,” Jaejoong spat the old nickname, “you helped me get here. Right before you almost jeopardized my chance. Excuse me for not running back to you after I climbed out of the hole you dug for me.”

“Always wild and spitfire, aren’t you?” Hyejun chuckled, his voice dark and low. “You always were a firecracker, poised and ready to go off. You went off especially beautifully in my bed.”

Jaejoong bristled, breaking from his grasp and striding to the other side of the empty room. “That was a long time ago. Back when you kept me so high I thought I’d never see ground again.” Jaejoong turned around, his face closed and guarded.  “I’ve changed.”

Hyejun nodded in agreement, reaching into the pocket of his jacket and removing a small rectangular box. “Of course, five years is a long time. Now you’re HERO, the famed lead vocalist of Dong Bang Shin Ki. I’m sure you don’t even remember the Kim Jaejoong I knew, a determined street urchin with a voice from heaven. But, I still know you Jae.”  Hyejun flipped the small box open, taking out a tiny blue pill and holding it up to the light.

“I know that right now your heart is beating faster, your mouth is dry and your palms are wet… all at the sight of this.” Hyejun extended his hand, holding the pill directly in front of Jaejoong’s face.

“No.” Jae’s voice was weak and raspy, his attention fixed on the pill in Hyejun’s palm.

“You want it.”


“I know you haven’t forgotten the feeling, Jae. I was there with you, remember? Right beside you; skin-to-skin. You were amazing - eyes bright and wide, mouth laughing, hands grasping, just wanting to touch everything. You’d dance in the middle of my room and I’d watch you thinking that you were a God, fallen to earth just for me.”

Jae continued to stare at Hyejun’s extended hand. His tongue slipped out to moisten his lips.


“Don’t want anything you have to offer, Hyejun,” Jaejoong’s head snapped up, his gaze turning to the door. Yunho entered the room slowly, moving to stand between Hyejun and Jaejoong.

Hyejun drew back his hand, replacing the pill, then the box inside his pocket. A wry smile curved his mouth. “Yunho. Still rushing to save Jae from the rest of the world I see.”

“Not the rest of the world, Hyejun. Just you.” Yunho turned to Jaejoong, noting his glazed-over expression. He placed a warm hand on his arm. “Ready to go, Jae? The others are waiting.”

Jaejoong closed his eyes and shook his head slightly to clear it. He opened them, and nodded. “Let’s go.” He left the room, not looking back. Yunho turned around, fixing Hyejun with a deadly stare. Hyejun laughed lightly.

“I won’t even waste my time offering you anything.” He patted his pocket, taking a cigarette from the box there and lighting up. Yunho’s eyes narrowed even further.

“Give me one reason not to report you to the manager.” Hyejun laughed again, exhaling smoke into Yunho’s face.

“I am the manager. And the owner, before you get any more smart, self-righteous ideas.”

“What makes you think I won’t call the police?” Hyejun regarded Yunho silently through a haze of smoke for a moment. “You seem to be forgetting that I know the one secret that could bring Dong Bang Shin Ki crashing to Earth, leader-sshi. Or did you forget I still have those pictures of you and Jae from before you made me the enemy?”

Yunho spun on his heel, turning away from Hyejun as he considered his options. “Just stay away from Jaejoong. He doesn’t need you complicating his life again.” He crossed to the door, but paused once more before leaving.

“And I never made you the enemy, Hyejun. You did that all on your own.”


 Part 2

jaeho, dbsk, fic: how to save a life, jae/?, fic

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