Quote of the Day: Pot, Meet Kettle's Husband Edition

Apr 14, 2008 23:03

In light of all this foofaraw about Barack Obama's "bitter" comment, here's one from the vault...

"You know, he [Bush] wants to divide us over race. I'm from the South. I understand this. This quota deal they're gonna pull in the next election is the same old scam they've been pulling on us for decade after decade after decade. When their economic policies fail, when the country's coming apart rather than coming together, what do they do? They find the most economically insecure white men and scare the living daylights out of them. They know if they can keep us looking at each other across a racial divide, if I can look at Bobby Rush and think, Bobby wants my job, my promotion, then neither of us can look at George Bush and say, 'What happened to everybody's job? What happened to everybody's income? What ... have ... you ... done ... to ... our ... country?'"

-- William Jefferson Clinton, 1991

In other news, I filed my taxes. Definitely need to adjust my W-4s, both federal and state. It was also the first day for my girlfriend's new job. She is happy, as you might guess.

2008, quote

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