Who: Lord Edrington, Tom Pullings, Stephen Maturin
When: Day 78, late evening
Where: #217 Marigold
What: The lord goes to visit the Irishman... and is introduced to somebody else.
Rating: PG-13
Lord Edrington had spent the greater part of his days after the gathering on the beach either calling on one Captain Hornblower about their plans or making himself a common sight about the town. Ever since his discussion with Alucard, a need to make use of himself toward his goal to leave this godforsaken place had been re-ignited. Time was not on his side, but he was willing to take it for being able to discover every resource this place possessed.
Resources that included its very people.
After some days, however, Edrington craved comfortable company. While Doctor Stephen Maturin was not necessarily who he was most 'acquainted' with, per se, this evening the lord was struck with the impulse to go by the doctor's residence and perhaps invite him for a bottle of wine and something to eat if the man had not dined yet.
In the dark greens of his 95th Rifles uniform, he mounted the porch steps and took his knuckles to the door. He looked every inch the polished soldier, the silver from his chain whistle shining over the dark lines on his chest, the silver domes of his buttons gleaming within their insets of black velvet. At least he did not have a hat or gloves to mind. Those had been left at home. Still, he threw his shoulders back, the only part of him lacking solemnity being his visage. That was graced with a small, inviting smirk.