Cynophobic is it...?

Jan 10, 2011 17:52

This happened last Tuesday. Involving me, Sleepyhead and
a very wtf-are-you-doing-here dog.
All I can say wa SH*T!!!!!!!!
It was a very tiring day.Tho supposedly I was not to have a class that day.I did.I was tired.
(Btw, we had a "photoshoot" that the middle of the blaring sun.)
Hurm, so that night Sleepyhead and me went down
and go out to put up flyers for Twister's club.
Can you see how nice we treat this son of the twist?
Arrrgghhh...He's really hitting on my nerves these days.
No thank-you,treats etc?
Anyway,so down we go and put those effing flyers up.
Plus, Sleepyhead wanna go to JYJ's house so,
it was pretty much killing two birds at once thingy.
We went to JYJ's to do some Lit. work actually
but, ended producing nothing. We were chatting about JYJ's 
housemate FH and her scandal with "Mr. Hage". It was funny untill... this comes!

image Click to view

Oh yea, that's my ringtone -.-"
Anyway...turned out the one who was calling me was SP himself.
I was taken aback a bit still, I answered it.

SP : ........????
Me : Sure! See ya......?????

Well something like that I guess. haha
(Actually, I can't really recall what I said to him because of what happened next...)

But, all I remember is that he wanted his thumb-drive cuz he need to dl
that lec stuff. So, we had to go back and change
(with me in my green jims-jams...HECK NO!)
On our way back near the staircase we saw THIS

(Maybe the exaggerate version on my mind)
All I know that it's brown, big and I didn't notice it!
At first my reaction was this

(Ms. Jay is givin' you teh eye gurll..lulz)

Then it turned into somewhat like this

Oh yeah, I definitely left Sleepyhead behind.She was running
straight ahead while I was already climbing the stairs heading
for our safe haven (our house of course...)

Sleepy : Why didya left me??? (kinda angry + tired tone)
Me : Our house is upstairs for god's sake.Why the heck didya
run straight ahead?!
(the conversation after that was pretty much in circle with me
blaming Sleepyhead and her blaming me.)
Whatever it is, after I met SP to return his thumb-drive 
@ the cafe,my heart was pretty much still pumping hard
with all those unnecessary,needless adrenaline.
What a day...But, at the end of the day... I realized I had a good laugh.
Amids the peculiar way of acquiring it.

P/S: I can't believe I wrote an entire entry bout a towel. I must be close-enough to drunk....
(or just really,plain sleepy.) Oh, but don't worry the story is 99% facts
with a percent of fiction.
Let it be the evidence to the late nights  experience of writing.

P/P/S: Cynophobia is the phobia of dogs. I think I would consider myself one. Why?
Ahum...I'll tell ya when I have the time. XD
This is me signing out, catch ya'll later peeps! ( with more tales)

one fine day, i laughed

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