The Towel Incident

Jan 03, 2011 13:19

YUP! You read rite!
 I wrote that in the biggest font LJ offered.
My towel did for some reason went missing after I hang it outside to dry.
It started with last Tuesday, I unlike everyone who have classes, decided to be a good girl
and stayed at home. (On, normal days this would be the same thing I do every-single-day) =)
Anyway, after having an un-blissfull shower courtesy to the slow water flow (that just rhymes!)
in the house.
And my towel...dear dudes and gals is on another level compared to it competitors.
(I know what you're thinkin', yes! I'm freaking proud of my towel!)
If your cake is vanilla from the shop behind your uncle's stall , then mine would be tiramisu form the Ritz or something along the lines of that...
If your car is a Charade, mine would be Lancer. hehe...ok-ay!!! Exaggeration...
But, towel is pretty damn cool!
So, my towel went missing after that.
Must be wondering why I'm drying it outside now,aren't ya?
Cuz, if I left it be in the room, well it'll develop a kind a smell that I really,really HATE!
So, I hang it with my hanger and (innocently so,) stuck it to the handle of the windows.
Next thing I know, round 4PM I guess... it's like POOOFFFFF....
It ain't there anymore.It was a very WTF moment for me.It is seriously!
I was like screaming and stomping around the house like a kid who
just lost her marbles...I was so anxious, I can't just sit around and wait.
So, I went downstairs to look for it. I actually go round the block for like dozen times.
I checked the trash-bins, and the ground floor houses.Yes, I even checked freaking trashes
And on top of trees...(Man...this just sounds so pathetic rite now.)
Alas,the towel was not found. I just sat on the pavement at the side of the road.
I was pretty stressed out bout the whole thing.I look ragged and a bit like a
those pitiful beggars on the streets.I was wearing a checkered pants so, I'm
pretty sure I embodied the look so well with my "korean looking hair".
Around almost 6PM, I saw Virus makin her way back home.
(And, yes she did say I look like a beggar)
Back home,I told the tale and everyone began speculating what really did happen.
Virus (surprisingly) said that maybe the wnd blew it away.
I immediately thought that it was so stupid.
1. If the wind did blew it away it must've fall down,no?You can never defy gravity Virus.
2.My towel (like I said before) is really special.It' not those types that'll just got blown away
by the wind.
3. It's stupid.period.imposibble.PERIOD.

That night I had to suffer the ultimate embarassement.I have no towel.
So, I just used my hand towel...(occasionally my snot towel.) It was a teeny
towel compared to my towel.I even called my mum and told her.
Doesn't that shows how worried I was???
I was sad...That day,the topic was even on fb. 
My neighbor, Rihanna was asking me bout it...
I was kinda shy to tell ya the truth.
I thought as I sleep that night...Damn!My precious towel...
I was about to be knocked down surprised when the next day,
I found it to be carefully hung on the doorknob of our house.
Ore no toweru...!
Arigato...Thank you.
Until this day, I dunno who found it...Or how that person did found it.
All I said wasthat may God give blessings (LOTS of it!)
to the person who found it.That person didn't even knock our door.
It was such a mystery... and I honestly confess I am intrigued.
Baka na? I know,I know,I know....
All of you must be wondering, "It's only a towel for crying out loud!"
My answer would be
"It's my precious for Voldermort's sake!!!"

P/S: Don't lose your towel.It's hell I tell ya... C:

one fine day

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